Tag: war

Anti-Trump Protesters Eye Trump’s Inauguration: Where Were You When It Mattered?
It is no secret that anti-Trump protesters are preparing to protest Trump’s inauguration. A protest against the threat of “fascism”! The Left, however, in true fascistic form, has been planning their typical fascistic violence against whoever they choose to target,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Constitution, Free Speech, Liberty, Liberty, News, Politics & Government
Standing Rock Represents a Shift in American Consciousness
Water is sacred. Water is life. Water is freedom. Water heals. What the world has witnessed at Standing Rock is an unprecedented coming together of Tribal peoples and representatives of indigenous cultures from around the world who understand the urgency… 0 Shares | | Posted in Constitution, Environment, Free Speech, Health, Health, Liberty, Liberty, News, Politics & Government, Water
Moonlight Manifesto: Reflection on the Election of Donald Trump
Full moons are always a time of heightened hormonal energies. Police departments and hospital experience rises in incidents of aggressive behavior and lunacy during the pull of the full moon. As the tides rise, so do our emotions, pulled by… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemtrails, Constitution, Crime, Environment, Firearms, Free Speech, GMOs, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Liberty, Money, Nutritional Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Politics & Government, Science, Water, Weather Control
The Opium Wars — Then and Now
As a child, I remember studying about the Opium Wars in Social Studies class. The text books would have pictures of Chinese people smoking pipes of opium. The history book would explain the war between China and England, for no… 0 Shares | | Posted in Crime, Medicine, News, Pharmaceuticals, Politics & Government, Science, Science & Tech, World
Self-Healing Heroism To Rescue The World
Only Heroism Can Save The World At This Stage, And You Are The Hero In Charge! If watching the news these days leaves most wondering about where the planet is headed to, only a minority yet dares question the system… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Politics & Government, World
No American boots on Syria
Since Vietnam, the word “advisers” has always meant the beginning of full on war with tens of thousands being sent shortly after the arrival of the advisers. History is repeating itself always with the same dreadful results. We are sending… 0 Shares | | Posted in Crime, Politics & Government, Weird, World
Should we keep our valuable troops in Afghanistan?
This topic has been among a bunch of lingering questions people ask these days for so long. Like, is Trump going to be the next president? Or should the next president repeal Obama care? Or, is the two-party system still… 0 Shares | | Posted in Money, Politics & Government, World
We are not at War with Islam but ISIS is- Part2
3 questions ISIS must answer if “Islamic” -Part 2 Personally, Muslims I know are citizens of the civilized world. Some of them may be devout and hold the Islamic texts as literal words of God, but in practical terms I… 0 Shares | | Posted in Liberty, News, Politics & Government, Weird, World
Democide The Murder of People by a Government
In the 20th century Theodore Abel coined the term “democide” in order to define “the murder of any person or people by a government.” The term was hardly known but soon caught on after the political scientist R.J. Rummel redefined… 0 Shares | | Posted in Constitution, Crime, Environment, Free Speech, Health, Liberty, Liberty, News, Politics & Government, World