Category: Lifestyle

Are Our Devices Cutting Us Off from Each Other as a Society?

Are Our Devices Cutting Us Off from Each Other as a Society?

When it comes to personal tech – Proceed with caution In the digital age, the mishmash of gadgets and devices like earbuds, smartphones, tablets, and computers has become indispensable in our daily lives. These devices, while offering unparalleled convenience and… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, Health, Lifestyle, News, Politics & Government, World
Hawaii’s aspartame fraud!

Hawaii’s aspartame fraud!

The following is my testimony given at a hearing at the Capitol in Honolulu to ban Aspartame. The resulting fraud will make you sick. TESTIMONY IN SUPPORT OF HB2680:  TO BAN THE USE OF ASPARTAME For Hearing in Room #16,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Free Speech, Health, Health, Liberty, Lifestyle, News
Eat right and live right

Eat right and live right

For the most part we know that the SAD (Standard American Diet) has its shortcomings. It is a diet comprised of eating anything that had a face and a mother, processed foods full of cancer causing additives, MSG and its… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition
Femur – Longest & strongest bone

Femur – Longest & strongest bone

The thigh only has one bone in it called the femur. The femur plays a major role in our body. Not only is it the longest bone, but it’s the strongest bone too. It looks just like a bone from… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Personal Care, Strength Training
Say goodbye to cancer

Say goodbye to cancer

Steve Jobs was a classic example of how even the rich and famous, when it’s their time, dies. Unfortunately, the medical profession being absorbed with profit, in the guise of humanitarian consciousness, does more harm than good. Everyone has cancer… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, News
Hand foot mouth disease – Keeping germs to ourselves

Hand foot mouth disease – Keeping germs to ourselves

When children get rashes, we are alerted by the visual signs as well as the emotional toll they take on a child’s wellbeing. Rashes that appear to look like blisters or lesions on a child’s palms or hands, may be… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Lifestyle, Personal Care
Believe it or not, “eating” comes with responsibilities.

Believe it or not, “eating” comes with responsibilities.

There is a saying that “If slaughterhouses had glass walls we all would be vegetarians”. What will be presented in this article is what happens behind those windowless walls. One of two things will happen by the end of this… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Home, Lifestyle
Cysts – Types of fillings & locations

Cysts – Types of fillings & locations

Sometimes tissue on the body likes to bring attention to itself in the form of cysts. These cysts are pockets under the skin made of tissue that are either air filled, fluid filled, or have other substances in them. Most… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Personal Care
Incontinence – Bladder control in question

Incontinence – Bladder control in question

Loss of bladder control, aka incontinence, can be an uncomfortable, disruptive, and an embarrassing problem that effects twice as many women as men. Trouble strikes for several reasons, but more commonly occurs during pregnancy as well as childbirth and then… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Lifestyle, Personal Care
Why Planned Parenthood is a nightmare!

Why Planned Parenthood is a nightmare!

We know that Hitler back in WW2 implemented the eugenics or population reduction program. When he died everyone in the world was happy and it was business as usual. But, what we didn’t know was that this plan never died… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Health, Health, Lifestyle