Category: Computers

Healing the Gut–will new AI technology make your MD obsolete?
“So, I want to give you a sense of the amount of data that you can get from a single sample, right? If I get stool sample and go through the lab process and generate the data that corresponds to… 0 Shares | | Posted in Biotechnology, Chemicals, Computers, Environment, Farming, Food, Gardening, Health, Lifestyle, Medicine, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Personal Care, Science, Science & Tech, Water
Project Lifelog Given New Life?
Project Lifelog Given New Life? Facebook seems like a dream come true for the intelligence agencies in America. No longer does Big Brother need to tap a phone or rummage through someone’s garbage can to collect the data that they… 0 Shares | | Posted in Computers, Constitution, Liberty, News, Politics & Government, Weird
The Internet – A Greedy And Corrupt Place Where Only A Few Succeed Online
I know what you’re probably thinking – “but there are lots of internet millionaires online and even the richest man in modern history, Jeff Bezos, made his money selling online, so that means anyone can succeed online, right?” Not without… 0 Shares | | Posted in Business, Computers, Money
Humans to Merge with Machines? The Implantation and Function of Neural Lace Brain Chip Technology
The futuristic concept of using brain chip implants to merge humans and computers has been the goal of transhumanism and a staple of science fiction fantasy for years. Now that fantasy, touted by several tech billionaires, to create true computer… 0 Shares | | Posted in Biotechnology, Computers, News, Science, Science & Tech
Globalist God Complex
Globalist God Complex Science, when used in conjunction and balance with nature, can be a wonderful and useful tool. Nearly all of our understanding about the universe, the human body and the nature of reality – to name a few-… 0 Shares | | Posted in Biotechnology, Chemicals, Chemtrails, Computers, Constitution, Environment, Farming, Fluoride, GMOs, Health, Liberty, Mental Health, Parental Rights, Pharmaceuticals, Science, Vaccines, Water, Weather Control
Google “Free Speech”: No Results
Google engineer James Damore was recently terminated from his employment with the search engine giant as a result of a post he made to an internal discussion board calling for greater “viewpoint diversity.” In recent years, conservatives have been increasingly… 0 Shares | | Posted in Business, Computers, Constitution, Free Speech, Liberty, Liberty, News, Politics & Government, Science & Tech
Facebook Shuts Down A.I. Experiment that Created it’s Own Language. Undecipherable to Humans.
The nightmare scenarios about an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) take over abound. One can hardly go a couple days without a new warning from some top scientist, academic or entrepreneur. The danger is that A.I. could become so advanced that human… 0 Shares | | Posted in Computers, Science & Tech
8 Healthy Ways To Fight Drowsiness At Work
Have you been nodding off at work again? Do you find yourself always feeling distracted between tasks? Sitting in front of the computer for a straight eight hours can take a toll on one’s body. Stress, eye strain, and fatigue… 0 Shares | | Posted in Computers, Food, Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition
Grassroots Rapid Response Teams Can Save Free Speech
FISHING FOR HERETICS New Hampshire State Representative Robert Fisher, a Republican representing Laconia, was “outed” by The Daily Beast as an alleged founder/contributor of a “red pill” men’s rights online forum. Apparently, these “journalists” (AKA the “opposition party”) found some… 0 Shares | | Posted in Computers, Free Speech, Liberty, Politics & Government