Category: Fitness Nutrition
Bone broth has been given extra attention by health minded people. Bones and connective tissues of animals are simmered with water to make this broth, which doesn’t necessarily sound appealing to drink. The most common animals the broth is made…
Posted in Fitness Nutrition, Food, Health, Nutrition
For the most part we
know that the SAD (Standard American Diet) has its shortcomings. It is a diet
comprised of eating anything that had a face and a mother, processed foods full
of cancer causing additives, MSG and its…
Posted in Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Health, Mental Health, Nutrition
Protein is one of the 3 main macronutrients needed for fat loss, feeling satiated, and of course for gaining muscle size and strength. The amount of protein your body needs is based upon your lifestyle and fitness goals. According to…
Posted in Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Strength Training
Protein is an important component of our nutrition for our body’s performance and functioning as well as muscle growth. Lamb is a protein source not mentioned as often as chicken, beef, and/or pork. Domestic sheep are where the lamb we…
Posted in Fitness Nutrition, Food, Nutrition
Sea moss has recently become popular amongst health enthusiasts because of this type of seaweed’s benefits. It is an algae mostly found in Europe and North America. Like kelp, it is edible and comes in a variety of colors (not…
Posted in Fitness Nutrition, Food, Health, Nutrition
A popular training method many fitness enthusiasts encourage is called fasted cardio. The basic premise of this type of workout is the notion that when you exercise during a fasted state, the body must rely on its reserves. The body…
Posted in Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Weight Loss
The more you eat, the more you lower your risk of certain
Beans have more servings of fiber than any other vegetable.
One single serving will give you 20 percent of your daily recommended fiber.
Researchers in Japan did…
Posted in Fitness Nutrition, Food, Health, Nutrition
Bulking is a diet term used in the bodybuilding community to eat to gain muscle mass. It has different interpretations in terms of how it works and what you can eat for the “bulk”. Some call it an excuse to…
Posted in Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Nutrition, Strength Training
Steve Jobs is a classic example of how even the rich and
famous, when it’s their time, die. Unfortunately, the medical profession being
absorbed with profit, in the guise of humanitarian consciousness, does more
harm than good.
Everyone has cancer…
Posted in Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Health, Weight Loss
We have to eat to live. Food is a necessity and with its consumption comes constant decision making. Consider how many times per day you think about food. All these choices have a label on them (even on restaurant menus…
Posted in Fitness Nutrition, Food, Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss