Category: Personal Care

Horseback riding – Natural mental & physical health benefits of riding
For hundreds of years, horseback riding was a mode of transportation. Today, owning a horse can be considered a luxury. Horseback riding is now a sport or an activity to do for enjoyment. Horseback riding has many benefits including both… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Personal Care, Pets and Animals
Diastasis recti – Abdominal wall split
Pregnancy and postpartum are a challenging time for the female body. Although well-equipped and designed for the task, there can be conditions that occur even when the mother does all the right measures for childbirth. One of the unexpected side… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Lifestyle, Personal Care
Dust – Air quality in your home
Dust is something we see in places and spaces after a certain period. It can go unnoticed and then suddenly stands out needing to be cleaned. Often it is in unreachable spots, so we let it go not wanting to… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Lifestyle, Personal Care
Canker sores – Painful mouth sores
A canker sore is a mouth ulcer usually on the inside of the cheek or lip. It can be very painful, have a tingling sensation, and have a yellow/white tint that is very red around the area. Although not contagious,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Medicine, Personal Care
Femur – Longest & strongest bone
The thigh only has one bone in it called the femur. The femur plays a major role in our body. Not only is it the longest bone, but it’s the strongest bone too. It looks just like a bone from… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Personal Care, Strength Training
Hand foot mouth disease – Keeping germs to ourselves
When children get rashes, we are alerted by the visual signs as well as the emotional toll they take on a child’s wellbeing. Rashes that appear to look like blisters or lesions on a child’s palms or hands, may be… 0 Shares | | Posted in Child Care, Lifestyle, Personal Care
Cysts – Types of fillings & locations
Sometimes tissue on the body likes to bring attention to itself in the form of cysts. These cysts are pockets under the skin made of tissue that are either air filled, fluid filled, or have other substances in them. Most… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Personal Care
Incontinence – Bladder control in question
Loss of bladder control, aka incontinence, can be an uncomfortable, disruptive, and an embarrassing problem that effects twice as many women as men. Trouble strikes for several reasons, but more commonly occurs during pregnancy as well as childbirth and then… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Lifestyle, Personal Care
IBS – Irritating foods to avoid
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects somewhere between 5-10% of the population. This digestive condition is uncomfortable and intrusive upon daily living. Those who suffer from IBS must be careful of certain foods that trigger disruption to digestion. Although having a… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Personal Care