Category: Science & Tech

Have You Heard of The Chlorine Dioxide Cleanse?
Out of all of the cleanses that I have done over the years Chlorine Dioxide was the harshest. It is incredibly effective, but not for the faint of heart or anyone who cannot be within easy reach of a rest… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Medicine, News, Personal Care, Science & Tech, Weird
Vaccine Variant Whack-A-Mole—Are you a Player or are you getting played?
Have you ever played the arcade game, Whack a Mole? The last two years dealing with the Covid pandemic reminds me of the arcade game. First it was isolation and mask wearing. Whack! Took care of that one. Then it… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Medicine, News, Pharmaceuticals, Science, Science & Tech, Vaccines
Gain of Function research–What is it? The Good, The Bad and The Biological Weapons
In my relentless pursuit of understanding covid—I have often heard the term, “gain of function research”. Curious—I looked it up. A definition is difficult to find and even more difficult to understand. The Conversation asked four experts in the field,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Biotechnology, Free Speech, Health, Health, Holistic Medicine, Liberty, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Science & Tech, Vaccines, Videos
A Closer Look at the COVID Vaccine Rollout: Part II
“The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.” – George Eliot Recently I’ve been studying how the mRNA ‘vaccines’ actually work and I’ve made a point of sharing my insights with friends. Unfortunately my enthusiastic conveyances often fall on… 0 Shares | | Posted in Biotechnology, Constitution, Health, Liberty, Mental Health, News, Parental Rights, Pharmaceuticals, Politics & Government, Vaccines
Health Minister Admits Covid Vaccines Do NOT Work – Have Ulterior Motive
In a recently published article by RT, the Health Minister of Pakistan just said the following . . . “The Government cannot allow individuals who do not want to get vaccinated to risk the lives of those who are already… 0 Shares | | Posted in Biotechnology, Health, Medicine, News, Pharmaceuticals, Politics & Government, Science & Tech, World
The Covid “Vaccine”—how can you give informed consent if you’re not informed?
People who have gotten the covid “vaccine” presumably did so with informed consent. But how “informed” were they really? Were they told it wasn’t really a “vaccine”? Were they told they are part of a human experiment? Were they told… 0 Shares | | Posted in Biotechnology, Health, Health, Medicine, News, Science, Science & Tech, Vaccines
Pesticides and Vaccines—are they saving us from disease or poisoning the human race?
I’d like to thank Mike Adams aka The Health Ranger, for allowing me to contribute on this forum since 2012. I am no longer allowed to post these on Facebook. It never ceases to amaze me, that people are lining… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Environment, Health, Science, Vaccines, Videos
Is Planet X God’s End Time Tribulation?
“In the Last Days there will be a Great Tribulation,< Unequalled in all of World History. Unlessthose days are shortened, No onewill survive.” Matthew 24:21-22 {Planet X Documentary Film at the End of This Article.} Many people suspect that some… 0 Shares | | Posted in Politics & Government, Science & Tech
Is Joe Biden NOW a Deep Fake ?
What I am about to tell you may be so unbelievable, that you will think that it is a Twilight Zone episode. Unfortunately, it looks like it might be absolutely true. Buckle up, because you are about to become very… 0 Shares | | Posted in Liberty, News, Politics & Government, Science & Tech, Videos