Entries by Vicki Luibrand


Vicki Luibrand is a hypnotherapist, certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), and has a Doctor of Divinity in Spiritual Healing Arts. She guides people to heal themselves both physically and mentally by finding and releasing buried emotions in the subconscious mind. For more information, go to www.believeinhealth.biz.

Is It Your Passion or Your Identity?

Passion is good, right?  When desire comes from the soul and creates a strong passion, the combination of your mental intension and physical determination can make your dreams come true!  But make sure that’s where your passion is coming from. … 0 Shares |

When is it good to feel bad?

Most people are under the impression that there are certain times when you are expected to feel bad, and sometimes they feel guilty for not feeling bad.  Here are some common examples of such times:  at a funeral or immediately… 0 Shares |

“Hypoallergenic” Detergent Causes Rashes from GM Corn

First it was Naked Juice deceiving the public with its claim that its products are “Natural”, and now it’s Seventh Generation.  After almost 3 1/2 months of having a very itchy rash on my chest, eventually extending to my ribs,… 0 Shares |

How to Maintain a State of Happiness

Have you ever noticed that some people seem naturally happy the vast majority of the time, while most of us have our ups and downs, but generally stay in a mediocre state?  Even as we eat healthy, study spiritual practices… 0 Shares |

Letting Go of the Past

I once read a comment on Facebook that said, “How do you let go of the past that made you?”  We all know that holding onto the past can keep us in a state of resentment, victimization, powerlessness, and other… 0 Shares |

Conquering Fear of the Unknown (change or death)

A long time ago, I had a friend in her early 20s who worked a low-paying job at a grocery store.  She despised her job!  But as much as she hated it, there was something she hated even more—change.  To… 0 Shares |

Mental Telepathy and the Subconscious Mind

We use mental telepathy more often than we realize.  Apparently there was a time when humans couldn’t form words, so I imagine that was the best communication we had.  Mothers communicate with their babies that way all the time.  My… 0 Shares |

Are you too polite?

We have all at one time or another had to deal with a psychic vampire, although many people don’t even know what that is.  In fact, we have probably all at some point in our lives acted like one ourselves. … 0 Shares |

How to Know How You Are Doing

You could be in the midst of a major tragedy in this lifetime and still be on the right track.  All things happen for a reason.  Sometimes the reason is to get you on the right path, and other times… 0 Shares |

Why You Should Feel Good About Yourself

When you grew up, you were more than likely yelled at for making some mistakes…perhaps a lot.  You were punished for things you did wrong in other people’s eyes, and forced to apologize.  And if you were brought up in… 0 Shares |