You could be in the midst of a major tragedy in this lifetime and still be on the right track. All things happen for a reason. Sometimes the reason is to get you on the right path, and other times the reason is that you drew the circumstance to you. Take a mental look at the lives of other people that you know or have known. So many people in the world today have many problems going on…between their health, their financial situation or employment problems, and other things that just keep falling apart. Have you ever noticed that the people who seem to always have the worst of luck are the ones that complain the most? Then look at the people who tend to shine…they make the best performers in every sense of the word (athletes, singers, actors, CEOs, etc.). Some people can do the most amazing things! Those people tend to be happy, determined, and have will that is far stronger than any fear. Sometimes those people don’t even realize that they have “figured it out.” But to believe in our capabilities and well-being, and to decide to make our dreams real, is to pull from a divine source all that we need to accomplish our goals, and to feel happy on the journey toward them.
What happens in our external lives is a reflection of what is going on internally. So if you want to know how you are doing on your spiritual path, ask yourself how your life is going—how happy you are, how healthy you are, and whether or not things seem to be working out for you. If your external life doesn’t look so good, don’t let it get you down. The worse things are, the greater potential for improvement; and in many cases, the easier it makes it to decide to change your point of view. Each person sees the same world from a very different perspective, and we are all treated by this same world with the perception that we believe it to be. So expect magic. Turn self-improvement into a daily habit and expect to see results at an exponential rate.
Now take a good look at yourself. A woman I know who believes in many spiritual teachings and has been struggling with cancer and going through many setbacks, once said to me, in an angry, frustrated tone, “I’m the most positive person I know!” I stood there thinking, “Really? You complain every time we talk.” Sometimes people think they are positive, but they are not. Are you positive? Instead of looking at your opinionated answer to that question, look at how your life has been going, and if the answer is “not so good,” then realize you have room for improvement. Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. If anything negative comes to mind, change your thought to something that feels better. Your point of view determines how you feel now, and how you feel now determines how your external life is about to treat you.
About the Author:
Vicki Luibrand is a hypnotherapist, certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), and has a Doctor of Divinity in Spiritual Healing Arts. She guides people to heal themselves both physically and mentally by finding and releasing buried emotions in the subconscious mind. For more information, go to