Entries by Jefferey Jaxen
A researcher and writer on the front lines of many up and coming alternative health modalities working behind the scenes to bring them to the mainstream. His work has been published by Natural News, Collective-Evolution, Waking Times, Om Times, Natural Blaze, and others. Jefferey's mission in life is to teach & empower others to heal themselves. Aside from being a compelling writer, Jefferey serves as director of Alternative & Holistic Health at The Flower of Life Center. As an active health researcher and creative force he also is part of the steering committee of the Awake & Empowered Expo.

SXSW Food Panel Controlled by Biotech Industry
It continues to be clear that the awakened public has checkmated the GMO industries. However, at South by Southwest (SXSW), it appears that GMO corporation money talks as real debate is controlled and censored. Katherine Paul, Associate Director of the… 0 Shares |
Acupuncture Gives Hope For PTSD, Surgery, & On The Battlefield
With acupuncture having roots in Chinese medicine going back over thousands of years, it seems silly to choose such a title for this article. Yet, in twenty-first century it appears that the United States is only beginning to dive into… 0 Shares |
Parent’s Outrage Over Cell Towers In Schooyards Prompts Petition
While driving through the streets of many cities in America an eyesore is revealed that flies in the face of logic, mainstream medical literature, and law. If it wasn’t so sad, it would almost be comical to see massive metal… 0 Shares |
American Public Officially Loses Faith in CDC
As 2014 came to a close, the mainstream media and CDC desperately hoped that a last resort media blackout tactic would put to rest their well-deserved negative attention. Yet today, with 750,000,000 (on the way to one billion) #CDCwhistleblower Twitter… 0 Shares |
Mushrooms Saving Bees, Provide Bioshield Against Collapse
As humanity becomes more conscious to the language of nature, it is clear that mushrooms in their many forms come in peace and are here to help. The uses, benefits, and applications of mushrooms currently seem to be limitless cutting… 0 Shares |
Press Release Announces World’s First Case of Cured Ebola
In a recent press release titled “Rapid Ebola Infection Cure, November 22, 2014” Drs. Robert Rowen, of Santa Rosa California and Howard Robins, of New York City, have announced the first cure of the Ebola infection in the world with… 0 Shares |
Your Daily Purchases: The Most Important GMO Vote
We have taken a short time out to play by their rules by voting for GMO labeling in Colorado and Oregon, now it is time to continue dismantling GMO from all angles. As Dr. Joseph Mercola recently stated, the consciousness… 0 Shares |
A Disgusted Population Moves To Label GMO Food
The battle lines were drawn long ago from the brave whistle blowers and teachers like Dr. Don Huber, Dr. Joseph Mercola, and many others that were ahead of the curve in warning of the upcoming fight. Now we are at… 0 Shares |
#hearthiswell Nurse Speaks Out Marks Vaccine Fraud Tipping Point
It was only a matter of time until the health care professionals began to step forward. We have now officially had the first nurse come forward to usher in a new page to the already viral #hearthiswell YouTube campaign. This… 0 Shares |