With acupuncture having roots in Chinese medicine going back over thousands of years, it seems silly to choose such a title for this article. Yet, in twenty-first century it appears that the United States is only beginning to dive into the layers of possibility concerning deployment of acupuncture in many different areas. All too often, the mainstream’s view of acupuncture is that of a complementary treatment holding an inferior position next to chemical drugs and pharmaceutical treatments. Yet, what most licensed acupuncturists can attest to instead of being a second string bench warmer, their craft is often the star player. Among the many health challenges facing Western medicine, post-traumatic stress disorder (P.T.S.D.) and chronic pain sticks out as sad reminders of our failed medical paradigm. Chronic pain is the number one cause of adult disability in the United States affecting an estimated 100 million people. This statistic is dwarfed by the recent report of 22 suicides per day among veterans and active duty soldiers. The options are out there waiting to be utilized. We can do better.
PTSD and Sleep
Battlefield Acupuncture
Conscious Surgery
Ever had the urge to stay awake during a major surgery? In the future, some hospitals may offer that option. Using acupuncture before, during, and after surgery has been commonplace and proven outside of the United States for some time. It wasn’t till recently that acupuncturist Ramon Nunez started making headlines when he applied the technique to a patient who, in the name of science, chose to brave a major knee surgery fully awake and not medicated. Although soldiers rarely find themselves in perfectly controlled environments like the video below shows, there appears to be much hope for the future of acute pain management without harmful and addictive medications. Do you think acupuncture could be part of the new paradigm leading us away from pharmaceutical medications?