Entries by Sandy J Duncan


Sandy Duncan is completing her Doctorate in Integrative Medicine, a health and wellness coach, Certified Neurofeedback specialist and author of AllNaturalHealthReviews.org. Read honest reviews on current health and wellness products as well as register for FREE giveaways.

Anti-inflammatory Foods to Fight Arthritis and Joint Pain Naturally

Is all joint pain arthritis? The answer to that question is probably not. Some joint pain can simply be caused by overexertion by the individual during a workout or an injury. However, other than those examples, if an individual experiences… 0 Shares |

Eat, Play, Lose: Playing Your Way to the Perfect Weight

If you’re reading this, then chances are that you’ve tried to lose weight at some point in your life. It seems to be the go-to topic for discussion with forums, talk-shows, and magazines entirely dedicated to the delicate art of… 0 Shares |

Simple Oral Care for Patients Can Save Lives

It is so amazing that something as simple as basic oral care (I think they are just talking about brushing teeth and rinsing with a good antiseptic rinse), could have this kind of an impact on hospital contracted pneumonia and… 0 Shares |

Use the Pomodoro Technique and Standing for Better Health and Productivity

The Pomodoro Technique developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s is a time management method .  The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. These intervals are… 0 Shares |

Turmeric Smoothie is the Breakfast of Champions

Turmeric is known as one of Nature’s most powerful medicines.  It has a long list of powerful attributes and is used for lots of different ailments. Here’s our list of the top 7: 1. Digestive Aid and Reduces Gas 2.… 0 Shares |

Natural Remedies for Tackling Coughs and Colds

Coughs and colds are often belittled as mild illnesses but they can make carrying on with your daily routine very difficult. Every time you get a cold, it is caused by one of over two hundred different viruses. It’s no… 0 Shares |

Simple Steps to Clean Eating

The commitment it takes to begin the clean-eating process is no small one. Hopefully, though, you’ve at least begun making that commitment, since you’re reading this article. For those of you who are new to the scene, I bet you’re… 0 Shares |

Cleaning Touchscreen Devices: Disgusting Germ Gathering Magnets

Cleaning Touchscreen Devices If you knew what was lurking on your cellphone screen right now, you would not want to pick it up wearing gloves let alone hold it against your face or touch the screen!  Think of how often… 0 Shares |

Surprising Foods that Can Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Whiten your Teeth Naturally Americans are completely hooked on having the whitest teeth possible.  We spend more than $1 billion annually on white strips alone, not to mention in-office treatments, veneers and other dental procedures designed to whiten teeth.  And… 0 Shares |

7 Health Benefits of Quinoa: Sweet Potato Quinoa Cakes

Understanding that Quinoa is a super-food and it’s 7 health benefits is good information. But you need to get it out of the knowing to the reality of actually eating it. Combine this superfood with another great healthy choice like… 0 Shares |