Entries by Sandy J Duncan


Sandy Duncan is completing her Doctorate in Integrative Medicine, a health and wellness coach, Certified Neurofeedback specialist and author of AllNaturalHealthReviews.org. Read honest reviews on current health and wellness products as well as register for FREE giveaways.

Can a New Novel Save the Whales Against Navy’s Sonar Testing

Sonar Testing and Harm to Whales and Dolphins There’s an old adage that the environment is never saved — just continually being saved. And the U.S. Navy’s testing and training with high-intensity active sonar is a perfect example. When it… 0 Shares |

How to End Cooking Burn Out and Save Money: An Everlasting Meal

How do you feel about cooking?  Are you someone that absolutely thrives in the kitchen and loves every minute you get to spend there or is it a chore just to drag yourself in and “slave” away at the stove… 0 Shares |

Miracle May True Story: How Thieves Oil Saved Our Pet Goat

Miracle May Our family gathered tearfully as our little goat, May, succumbed to injuries from a dog attack. She was stretched out unnaturally – stiff and still – and her eyes barely flickered. It occurred to me that, though there… 0 Shares |

Cherry Juice: Fact or Myth when Fighting Arthritis and Gout Pain Naturally

The more advanced medical technology becomes the more we realize how wise Mother Nature is. As highly educated and extremely dedicated food researchers continue their attempt to discover NEW secrets, we sometime realize looking BACK is the wisest thing to… 0 Shares |

The Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

Pets may help you get exercise, but that’s not the only way they keep their owners healthy. Owning a pet — whether a cat, dog, or other furry (or not-so-furry) creature — can offer mental, emotional and physical benefits. So,… 0 Shares |

Guiltless and Gluten Free Fudge Brownies

We all have a sweet tooth now and again.  So before you reach for some processed candy or artificially sweetened goodies full of preservatives, try making these brownies.  The dates will give you lots of good fiber and we all… 0 Shares |

Peanuts As a Source of Pterostilbene, a Potent Antioxidant

With March being National Peanut Month, consumers are likely to be focused on the health benefits of this legume (it’s actually not a nut!), which is one of America’s most popular foods: Americans love their peanuts, consuming an average of… 0 Shares |

Take Action Against Environmental Toxins Today

I can’t believe how much energy we waste complaining about the current lack of support to remove hazards and toxins from our environment at a government and regulatory level.  I see so many articles and news releases about the horrific… 0 Shares |

The Satiety Index Trick: How to Lose Weight without Going Hungry

It seems everywhere you look you read about the latest and greatest weight loss supplement or some fancy new workout equipment. While each of these do have their place and purpose when you are interested in losing weight. However, did… 0 Shares |

Go Green Today with this Great Asparagus Dip

We all know we are supposed to eat lots of dark green vegetables but we don’t always make it happen. I was at a party the other day and found this delicious and super easy to make dip.  I couldn’t… 0 Shares |