Entries by Mike Adams
Mike Adams (the "Health Ranger") is the founder of NaturalNews.com, an independent news source covering personal and planetary wellness from nutrition to sustainable living. He's written thousands of articles on nutritional therapies, natural remedies and health care reform, attracting a following of millions of readers around the world.
Free energy breakthrough? Holy grail of water splitting technology now achieved with sunlight, mirrors and seawater
A team of scientists at the University of Colorado, Boulder, have achieved what appears to be the “holy grail” of water splitting technology for the production and storage of clean, abundant energy. Because sunlight is free, I’m calling this “free… 0 Shares |
MSNBC host says newborn infants don’t count as ‘alive’ unless parents decide they do; infanticide is the new abortion
(NaturalNews) Today Natural News denounces Melissa Harris-Perry, the latest talking head “death worshipper” to publicly imply that she supports the murder of living, breathing newborn children. According to Harris-Perry, life begins when the parents feel like life begins. And together… 0 Shares |
Curcumin is the most widely-studied plant-derived medicinal chemical in modern science, statistical analysis reveals
(NaturalNews) A statistical analysis of millions of scientific studies reveals that curcumin — one of the active chemical constituents in turmeric — is the most widely-studied phytochemical in modern science. The analysis was conducted by medical science researcher Mike Adams,… 0 Shares |
How to make your own nut milk (or fresh green juice) using water, nuts, a blender and a nut milk bag
(NaturalNews) By now, almost everybody knows that conventional milk products routinely contain synthetic hormone chemicals, blood and pus. So most people look for alternative milk products, and while soy milk was popular for many years, all the nasty truths about… 0 Shares |
The fall of reason: How to protect your sanity in an insane world (and achieve spiritual victory in the process)
(NaturalNews) I’m reaching out to you all with words of assurance as I write this story. By now, I think we all are overwhelmingly convinced that we live in an insane world. I call it the “post-reason era.” It’s a… 0 Shares |
If George Zimmerman were Monsanto, would any black leaders seek justice for Trayvon?
(NaturalNews) If George Zimmerman were Monsanto, would any black leaders seek justice for Trayvon? The answer is no. The African-American community is up in arms over a jury of six women finding George Zimmerman not guilty of the second degree… 0 Shares |
The real Trayvon / Zimmerman race war plan unveiled: Foment racial division, ignite violent riots, declare martial law
(NaturalNews) America has been wildly manipulated by the government and the mainstream media (which are one and the same, of course) into a devious scheme. The plan is to foment racial hatred and division (already accomplished), ignite violent riots (which… 0 Shares |
Natural News salutes TV news prankster with the coveted ‘Sum Ting Wong’ award for outstanding journalism
(NaturalNews) Sometimes the best way to tell a story is to let the mainstream media journalists demonstrate what complete morons they truly are. No better example of this exists than the recent airing of Asiana Flight 214 pilot names by… 0 Shares |
Zimmerman verdict: NOT GUILTY – stay off the streets, everyone, and prepare for riots
(NaturalNews) The verdict is in on the Zimmerman trial: NOT GUILTY. The jury found that Zimmerman acted within his right of self defense when he shot and killed Trayvon Martin. He is being fully acquitted. This bulletin isn’t about the… 0 Shares |