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7 Tips For Increasing Your Retail Jewelry Store Sales

7 Tips For Increasing Your Retail Jewelry Store Sales

Retail jewelry stores today face new challenges and many more competitors, and must strive to find ways to attract new customers as well as keep old ones. From new marketing plans to a fresh to new look to taking advantage… 0 Shares | | Posted in Business
3 reasons why you should consider vegetarianism

3 reasons why you should consider vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is a choice people make for various reasons. Be it for a healthier lifestyle, religious purposes, to live longer, or to reduce pollution and help save the planet, there are many different motives. With that being said, World Meat… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Infusing Herbs in Different Mediums: Oil, Water, Alcohol or Honey

Infusing Herbs in Different Mediums: Oil, Water, Alcohol or Honey

If you are looking for a new way to use your homegrown herbs (or if you have leftover herbs that you don’t want going to waste), or just want a way to make some delicious flavored oils and vinegar, look… 0 Shares | | Posted in Farming, Food, Food, Gardening, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Home, Lifestyle, Recipes
Slow Down Aging – 9 Foods That Combat Aging

Slow Down Aging – 9 Foods That Combat Aging

A study by Ohio State University researchers found that omega-3s–those famous fatty acids that may help with a variety of conditions such as arthritis, depression, heart disease, and more–have just added another potential health benefit to the list: They may… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Food, Health, Health, Nutrition
Whether you see yourself as white, black, yellow or green, it is NOT who you really are.

Whether you see yourself as white, black, yellow or green, it is NOT who you really are.

Recently, Mike Adams wrote and article about a racial confrontation in South Carolina and how it could impact all of America. How sad things have become when we attack people simply because they may be of a different race, color,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Top 5 tips of the best diets 2015

Top 5 tips of the best diets 2015

American news portal US News and World Report released its annual ranking of the best diets. Although your news feed on Facebook can be filled paleo-products, detox recipes and tips on the raw food diet, these diets are lagging behind… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, Health, Health, Lifestyle, News, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine
Francis & Laudato Si’

Francis & Laudato Si’

We have been hearing that His Holiness Pope Francis within his Encyclical Laudato Si’ (2015) has joined the ‘Climate Change Believers’ by chastising the skeptics/deniers. This is far from the truth! Perception and misguidedness have struck once again! The supposed… 0 Shares | | Posted in Environment, News, Politics & Government, Science, World
How to Get Rid of an Awful Smell in Your Fridge

How to Get Rid of an Awful Smell in Your Fridge

Once upon a time, all fridges smelled fresh and clean. All lawns were perfectly devoid of weeds, green and carefully manicured and housewives, after cleaning the fridge and the oven (daily) and doing laundry, vacuuming, dusting, carpooling, and preparing a… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Home
Discover the 3 quick steps to reaching any goal

Discover the 3 quick steps to reaching any goal

The act of setting goals to accomplish has a long and storied history, with hundreds of books about the process published in the past few decades. There are planners, lists, charts, abbreviations to remember and more that are designed to… 0 Shares | | Posted in Lifestyle, Videos
Kombucha: Powerful Healthy Elixir Or Just Hocus Pocus Tea?

Kombucha: Powerful Healthy Elixir Or Just Hocus Pocus Tea?

Kombucha is fermented black or green tea. Thanks to the thick, semi-solid mat of live microorganisms that float at its surface, kombucha is also known as “mushroom tea” and enjoys a distinctive visual appeal. The mat, which can look a… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Fitness, Food, Food, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Nutrition, Recipes, Water, Weight Loss