Entries by Michelle Bosmier
Raw Michelle is a natural health blogger and researcher, sharing her passions with others, using the Internet as her medium. She discusses topics in a straightforward way in hopes to help people from all walks of life achieve optimal health and well-being. She has authored and published hundreds of articles on topics such as the raw food diet and green living in general. ( http://www.rawfoodhealthwatch.com/ )

10 Reasons To Never Juice For Health
It’s all the rage to “juice for health”. It’s often referred to as supplementing nutrients with real food. But, is it all that it’s cracked up to be? Let’s find out, and separate fact from fiction. 1. Juicing Is Expensive… 0 Shares |
Healthy Advent Calendar Idea: 24 Great for you Raw Foods to Add to Smoothies for Superior Health
In an excerpt from my 14 raw vegan weight loss smoothies article, I state that smoothies “aid in obesity prevention and add countless other health benefits.” (1) They are a great addition to any diet… yummy and full of health-packed… 0 Shares |
Eating powdered eggshells: A whole food choice for calcium carbonate supplementation
Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body. It is not only important for bone health but also is responsible for our heartbeat, nerve impulses, blood clotting, and hormone secretions. The human body does not make calcium,… 0 Shares |
Five Raw, Vegan, and Low-Glycemic Sweeteners
As humans we have a natural desire for the pleasure and sudden burst of energy that sweet foods provide us. But as humans living in industrialized locations, we have access to processed sugars – a compound with no nutritional value… 0 Shares |
The Amazing Health Benefits of Tomatoes
They’re the most widely grown vegetable in the world (1) and the fourth most commonly eaten fresh vegetable in America (2). They’re consumed raw, cooked, as juice, as sauce, as soup, and as one of the world’s most popular condiments.… 0 Shares |
Don’t Smoke Crack, But If You Do, Eat A Banana
I once clumsily offered a banana (with a heart full of love) to someone that became rapidly deficient in potassium as a result of a crack overdose. It seems I was offering more to him than increased potassium, as you… 0 Shares |
10 Raw Vegan Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes
With Canadian Thanksgiving just behind us (October 12th) and American Thanksgiving in the near future (November 26th), shopping displays and airwaves are full of signs of the holidays: families, cheerful colors, warm clothes and most of all, traditional foods. There’s… 0 Shares |
VIDEO: Lifelong Raw Vegan Proves the Power of Plants
Buddy Friend can be seen free climbing coconut trees, peeling coconuts, doing handstands, and flexing his biceps on his YouTube channel (1). The 20-year-old from Australia is certainly not lacking in energy – and most people will be surprised to… 0 Shares |
A third of American children eat fast food daily, but wait, there is hope
A third of children and adolescents in the United States report eating fast food on any given day, reports a new study by the National Center for Health Statistics. (1) Fast food is defined as food that can be prepared… 0 Shares |