Entries by Cooper


Bottle Gourd juice: Cure UTI, Control Diabetes And Prevents Premature Greying Hair

Known as South Asian squash, bottle gourd belongs to cucumber family and also originated from Africa, and is also available nowadays in many regions of the entire world. It contains vitamins A, C and folate and an array of minerals… 0 Shares |

Magnesium Anti-Anxiety Elixir Simple Recipe

Anxiety is a life altering condition, and one that makes everything you do a little bit less enjoyable. Condition that you need to treat. Anxiety can impact our lives and mood. It affects everybody mentally and physically. Anxiety is very… 0 Shares |

Magnesium deficiency can lead to a plethora Of Health Issue! How to increase magnesium level naturally?

Magnesium is the most abundant mineral found in our cells and responsible for more than 300 enzymatic reaction. Deficiency of dietary minerals can lead to a plethora of health issue affecting almost every organ in your body such as Cardiovascular,… 0 Shares |

7 Silent Signs You May Have Clogged Arteries

Clogged arteries, also known as atherosclerosis, is a serious condition where arteries become hard by fatty substances known as plaques. Clogged arteries can lead to heart attacks and strokes and it is estimated that, in United States each year approx… 0 Shares |

4 Spinach Smoothie- For Weight Loss, Preventing Illness and Skin Care

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable and is one of the best foods known for its nutritional antioxidants and anti-cancer properties. Spinach Nutrition Value Spinach is also an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and folic acid… 0 Shares |

Pineapple & Turmeric Potent Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Turmeric Potent Anti-Inflammatory Spice The anti-inflammatory power of turmeric comes from its compound called curcumin. Studies have shown curcumin to have anti-tumor and anti-oxidant properties. Turmeric is excellent source of all of Manganese, iron, vitamin B6, potassium nutrients and vitamins.… 0 Shares |

How To Stop Migraine Instantly With This Salt?

What is migraine? Migraine is a complex condition with many symptoms. People experience painful headache in this condition. Other symptoms include disturbed vision, sensitivity to light, sound and smells, feeling sick and vomiting. What causes migraine? There is no known… 0 Shares |

12 Remarkable Benefits And Uses of Orange Peel

It might  be shocking news for you, but orange peel has about four times more fiber than the actual orange fruit that we eat. We know orange a day gives us precious Vitamin C that cannot be stored in our… 0 Shares |

Are Your Prescriptions Killing You? 5 Juices Recipe That Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a problem that causes blood glucose (sugar) levels to rise higher than normal. This is also called hyperglycemia. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that… 0 Shares |

Onion Juices Regrow Hair Loss, Reversing Grey Hair And Thicken Hair Scalp

As per dermatologists 50 to 100 strands of hair on a daily basis is perfectly normal. Over 30s people are prone to suffer from hair loss problems due to hormonal changes, stress and often an unhealthy diet. Why Onion Juice… 0 Shares |