Entries by Thomasina Copenhaver


Thomasina Copenhaver is a naturopathic doctor and registered nurse with over 30 years experience in the healthcare profession. Her passion is writing, researching, and empowering all humans with knowledge of healing at the cellular level; to enable them to make educated and informed choices regarding their health. For more information visit her website: notesfromanaturopath.com or to buy her book, "Notes from a Naturopath" visit Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

“Wonder” drug recall: Faulty science, High priced marketing, Greed

Back in September 2015, I wrote a blog about the Pink Pill called Addyi and the absolutely flawed science behind it. Yesterday I learned it has been pulled from the market.  Previously “FDA Approved” and hailed as “female Viagra,” the… 0 Shares |

“Rest And Digest” –The Key To Avoiding Holiday Stress

It’s almost time, once again, for religious holidays, end of year celebration & reflection, and anticipation of the promise of a new year. Events like these call forth many emotions. For some, a time of joy and tradition as they… 0 Shares |

The New “Pink Pill” for women: Low libido breakthrough or Clever Marketing Strategy?

After my last post about vaccinations, I received this comment from someone: “Please read an actual textbook, nothing you’ve said is even remotely close to true.” Ouch. Queue Robot voice: “Apply ointment to burn.” One of the basic tenets of… 0 Shares |

Vaccination: Will the owner of my body, mind, and soul please stand up?

By the time we got the letter, my son was already excited about sixth grade and going to middle school. He had been through a wonderful weeklong orientation, met his teachers, found his locker, and felt like he already fit… 0 Shares |

Fuel for Life’s Journey–You Can’t Buy Energy in a Can

It has been scientifically proven that electromagnetic fields exist around every living being. Each of us has an energy signature or essence.   Flowers take nutrients from the soil and absorb them through their roots. As they grow, they are… 0 Shares |

Inner Peace–Change your thoughts, Heal the world

Peace.  There are songs written about it. Everyone wishes for it. And yet, it eludes us. We all say we seek peace, and on a theoretical level, we do. But if you don’t practice being peaceful, then you violate the… 0 Shares |

Is your “Self Talk” killing you?

“I am by nature a dealer in words, and words are the most powerful drug known to humanity” Rudyard Kipling One of the things people often ask me is this: “If you could recommend one “natural” thing for this (symptom,… 0 Shares |

Iodine–The “Universal Medicine”–will it be enough to save us from the effects of radiation poisoning?

From THE IODINE CRISIS: WHAT YOU DON”T KNOW ABOUT IODINE CAN WRECK YOUR LIFE by Lynne Farrow, published by Devon Press. Available on Amazon and Ms. Farrow’s webpage link below. *Permission granted from the author to use information from her… 0 Shares |

Breast Cancer–Pink Ribbons and tears are not enough

Breast Cancer—Pink ribbons and tears are not enough   In 1974, former First Lady Betty Ford announced publicly that she had undergone a mastectomy. This helped to de-stigmatize and bring awareness to, a very private and painful issue that many… 0 Shares |

Bacteria–They Do a Body Good

In the movie, “Stuart Little 2,” Snowbell the Cat delivers one of my favorite lines after coughing up a “major hairball” “And still we lick ourselves. Unbelievable!” I often think of that line as people continue to put food into… 0 Shares |