Entries by Prof. Hesin


I am herbalist and write on variety of topics from nutrition to natural health, herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, mind/body medicine and i enjoys the challenge of providing my family with healthy food options that fit with their busy lifestyle.

7 Subconscious Habits that Damage Your Teeth And Gums

Gnawing on a pencil. Drinking a soda during lunch. Munching on cubes of ice. We’ve all done these things, yet most of the time we don’t realize what we’re doing to our mouths. These everyday habits wear down our teeth… 0 Shares |

12 Natural Immunity Essentials At Home

The immune system is the body’s defence mechanism to fight off illnesses and infections. Good immune system is the ‘anti-virus’ defence against any disease. You don’t always need pills to boost up your immune system, there are a number of… 0 Shares |

Black Seed Oil: Natural Protection In A Toxic World?

Black seed oil is extracted from the rectangular shaped seeds of the nigella sativa plant. These seeds are also commonly known as black cumin. Centuries ago the seeds were popular with the Ancient Egyptians for being a cure-all for a… 0 Shares |

Kitchen Entropy: 7 Powerful Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Should Be In Your Pantry

Apple cider vinegar should be a staple in your kitchen pantry. Apple Cider Vinegar has been always popular in the natural-health community because of its many benefits. And there was nothing “magic” about it—just good common sense, concentrated nutrients and… 0 Shares |

5 Simple Salad Recipes For Reversing Diabetes

Salad should be a part of your lunch menu if you have diabetes. You can create a different salad every day of the week by varying your toppings. Salads with lots of raw vegetables are best, including carrots, cucumbers, radishes,… 0 Shares |

12 Reason Why Sugar Is Called “The White Death”

Sugar is called the “white death” as it is believed to be the cause of various health issues. On the other hand, sugar is a carbohydrate that provides human bodies with energy. Let’s find out if sugar is good for… 0 Shares |

7 Way To Decongest Lymphatic System And Remove Body Toxic Load

Detoxing your body is easy as long as you know ways to tap into your lymphatic system. Before you start doing a lymph node detox you are going to need know exactly where to massage your body for detoxifying your… 0 Shares |

Lemon Flaxseed Drink: Clean Out Toxins, Melts Cellulite And Cures Peptic Ulcer

Flaxseeds have a warm, deliciously nutty flavor that can compliment many foods ranging from baked goods and smoothies to roasted vegetables. Flaxseeds are slightly larger than sesame seeds and range in color from reddish brown to dark orange, depending on… 0 Shares |

Honey and Cinnamon: A Perfect Combination Can Do Wonders

It is found that a mixture of Honey and Cinnamon cures most of the diseases. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Ayurvedic as well as Yunani medicine have been using honey as a vital medicine… 0 Shares |

Ancient Minerals: 5 Reasons to Get More Magnesium

Magnesium is a key mineral in human metabolism, and found in small to medium amounts in many of the World’s Healthiest Foods. Vegetables (especially green leafy ones), nuts and seeds, and legumes are your best WHFoods sources for magnesium. We… 0 Shares |