Entries by Prof. Hesin


I am herbalist and write on variety of topics from nutrition to natural health, herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, mind/body medicine and i enjoys the challenge of providing my family with healthy food options that fit with their busy lifestyle.

7 Herbal Teas That Enhance Immunity, Boost Brain Function, Combat Exhaustion & More

Herbal tea is really just an infusion of leaves, seeds, roots or bark, extracted in hot water. In drinking a well-steeped herbal tea, we get all the plant’s benefits in an easily digestible form. Drinking herbal tea can also be… 0 Shares |

How This Simple 5 Ingredients Solution Pass The kidney Stones?

Kidney is a filter for blood, removing waste from the body and making urine. Kidney stones are one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract, resulting in more than a million visits to health care providers and 300,000… 0 Shares |

This Homemade Elixir Cure Nagging Cough & Lung Inflammation Very Effectively

Cough is actually a vital player in the body’s defence against disease. Coughing expels mucus, microbes, and foreign particles from the respiratory tract, protecting the lungs from infection and inflammation. The forced and sometimes violent exhalation can be voluntary as… 0 Shares |

What Is Thyroid Cystic Nodules? 8 Home Remedies To Cure It Naturally!

What is thyroid cystic nodules? Thyroid nodules are solid or fluid-filled lumps that form within our thyroid gland. It higher among people who received x-ray treatment to the thyroid area in childhood. Women are affected more often than men. The… 0 Shares |

Dandelion Tea: Detox liver, Dissolves Kidney Stone & Self-Destruct Cancer Cells

Dandelion is a flowering plant that grows in parts of Europe, Asia, and North America (most of us know it as a weed) The dandelion’s roots and leaves are both used medicinally. All parts of the dandelion are edible, including… 0 Shares |

Golden Kiwi Fruit- Decrease Macular Degeneration, Prevents DNA Damage And Cure Diabetes

Kiwi originate from the Kang Chiang Valley in China and is also known as the Chinese gooseberry. Kiwi is a fibrous, dull greenish-brown skin and bright green or golden soft flesh with rows of tiny, black, edible seeds. Kiwis are… 0 Shares |

14 Epic Natural Painkillers To Use Instead Of Opiates

Pain is something that we avoid but that we all experience from time to time, whether as a nagging headache, period pain, muscle ache or joint inflammation. Painkillers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen are commonly used to soothe our daily aches.… 0 Shares |

Phenomenal Health Benefits Of Chia seeds

Chia is a very nutritious, ancient seed that has been commonly used in Latin American for thousands of years. The chia seed is nutrient dense and packs a punch of energy boosting power. Research suggests that including chia seeds as… 0 Shares |

8 Reason To Drink This Delicious Transparent Tea

White tea gets its name from the fine silvery white hairs on the unopened buds of the tea plant. White tea is a type of uncured, un-fermented tea that is very popular in Asian countries, particularly in China where it… 0 Shares |

Devil’s Claw- 10 Medicinal Uses of This Amazing Herb

Devil’s claw is the common name of the plant Harpagophytum procumbens and its derives name from hook-like appendages that cover the fruit of the plant. The roots and tubers of the plant are commonly used to make medicine. It is… 0 Shares |