Tag: enzymes

The 3 Flatulence Commandments You Must Learn Now
Flatulence and You–What Can It Tell Us? Unfortunately, the human body was created to have flatulence. Sometimes it is unwanted because let’s face it, who want’s to ride next to a gassy person on the subway or bus? Ever stroll… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition, Personal Care
Do you know how to protect yourself from viruses?
The best way to protect yourself from any virus is to arm yourself with knowledge of how they operate inside you. Learn their survival mechanisms and vulnerabilities. There are more than 4000 known viruses. Scientists have argued whether viruses are… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine
Put Down the Breakfast Cereal & Learn to Soak
Why Soak Grains? You can soak grains before cooking or baking them. Soaking grains (and nuts, seeds, and legumes) helps to neutralize phytic acid, an anti-nutrient, present in them. Phytic acid blocks the absorption of critical vitamins and minerals (phosphorus,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss
The Medicinal Use Of Fresh Lettuce Leafs
The first evidence that lettuce was cultivated dates from 3000 AD. It has come into existence because the ancient Egypt farmers were breeding herbs to make them grow taller. The plant itself was considered as the earthly part of the… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine
Iceberg lettuce, a vehicle for vegetable medicines
Iceberg lettuce is a crispy kind of lettuce. We eat it raw. But it has not always been this way. In ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, people eat their lettuce well done. We can only hope they did not boil… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Romaine lettuce, the medicinal benefits of freshness
100 grams of Romaine lettuce contains over 100% of the RDA of vitamin A and vitamin K. It contains over 30% of vitamin C and folic acid. There are relative good amounts of vitamin B1, B2, B6, manganese, potassium, iron,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
Celery, your daily medicinal snack food
In ancient times the celery vegetable has been created out of the celery herb. The ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greek people turned the small herb into the celery and root celery or celeriac. They did this without genetic manipulation. The… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
5 Reasons You Need To Eat More Fermented Foods
Slowly but surely more traditional methods of “health care” are making a comeback, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. People are plugging back into the idea that food is the way to remedy a variety of health… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, Health, Nutrition
3 Digestive Enzymes Our Body Couldn’t Survive Without
It is without any doubt that our body is a complicated structure from the head to the neck, right down to your feet and toes. Whether it’s the central nervous system, the muscles or the skeleton, each part of your… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health