Personal Trainers: Get the Competitive Edge


Guest Author: Katherine Flowers of BodyTrack

Working out without someone to guide you can be very challenging. You might be trying to motivate and push yourself more each day without seeing any progress on the scale or without improving your physique and fitness level. If you want to get more from your workout, a personal trainer can propel you towards your goal.  Let’s look at some of the reasons you need one.

Get the results you want and deserve

For a lucky few people, all it takes to achieve a body shape or weight goal is to show up at the gym.  They follow a specific routine they believe will help them improve their physical well being. However, they may not realize the ineffectiveness of their workouts and may realize they haven’t really improved over time.

A personal trainer can help you achieve all of your fitness goals. Whether you are looking to lose 10-20 pounds or gain muscle mass, trainers can find just the right regime for you. They can show you a series of effective cardio activities to shed calories or resistance training to build your muscles.

Put your trust in a professional

There are seasoned gym members who can give advice to newcomers. Their advice usually includes workout methods and other exercises which they say works for them. Their claim might be true, but there is no way to determine if the same workout they are doing will work for you.

Instead, personal trainers are someone you can trust with your body and progress at the gym. Before they can work with anyone on their workouts, trainers need to be certified by the state or federal office. This qualification and training shows trainers are best prepared to help you achieve a fitness goal.

Professional supervision

The majority of us need someone to show us  if we are on track with our workout. You may never know if you are lifting weights or doing warm-up exercises correctly. You don’t want to keep repeating ineffective or even dangerous mistakes. Even if there are other gym members present, they may not have time to watch over you during your workout.

Personal trainers are there to give you an on-the-spot feedback during your workout. They can see if there are any techniques you are having a hard time with which they can help you improve upon. If you are still having a challenge with a particular training exercise, they can provide an appropriate alternative.

Gives you the edge in physical competition

Personal trainers can help you improve your body in order to gain the advantage you need in your sport or competition. Certain trainers have studied the most common physical events and know which muscle groups are utilized during those activities. In a marathon, for example, trainers know you need to develop your leg muscles while improving your stamina reserves. In order to improve your body for a physical competition, trainers will provide an effective workout method specific to that sports demands. This will help you target specific body parts to improve upon.

Helps you become confident and concise in improving your body

Personal trainers won’t just show you how to improve your body, they can teach you how to do it on your own. Trainers are effective teachers in making sure you are able to practice the methods they provide you. In fact, they can even assist you in becoming a physical trainer yourself.

Having a personal trainer can benefit you in the long run than trying to do it on your own. For more information, organize a meeting with a trainer in your area today.  Make sure the trainer you choose has great credentials, proper certifications and a list of happy clients as referrals.

 Healthy Blessings,


Recommended Reading: Anatomy for Strength and Fitness Training

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Sandy J Duncan
Sandy Duncan is completing her Doctorate in Integrative Medicine, a health and wellness coach, Certified Neurofeedback specialist and author of Read honest reviews on current health and wellness products as well as register for FREE giveaways.