Entries by Veronica Davis


3 Super Simple Ways to Fight Acne

Beat Acne with 3 Things in Your Kitchen Dealing with acne can be stressful at any age, but be careful about what you choose to expose your skin to. Creams, cleaners and toners that are sold over the counter may… 0 Shares |

Pension Buyouts: A Good Idea or Disaster in Disguise?

As you might already know, the typical pension guarantees a monthly check once your retire from the workplace and reach a certain age, for life. But now days, some companies are offering a pension advance, which is an alternative type… 0 Shares |

Five Ways Your Online Shopping is Getting More Personal

Rather than heading to stores to shop, many people today prefer order new clothes and accessories right from a laptop or mobile device. It not only makes the shopping experience easier, but also more personalized. Shops like Styloko allow users… 0 Shares |

Greenhouse Gardening on a Budget

If you think a greenhouse has to cost thousands of dollars, think again. Yes, traditionally they’ve been something that many people simply couldn’t afford. But as more and more people realize the benefits of growing their own food, the number… 0 Shares |

A Rise in IFV Births: How In Vitro Fertilization Is Changing

One in six couples struggle with infertility. Prior to 1981, those couples continued to struggle until they could not handle the disappointment anymore and gave up what they wanted most – a baby. Thanks to in vitro fertilization, however, couples… 0 Shares |

How Can You Decide If an Electric Bicycle or Scooter is For You?

With previous spikes in fuel prices, city congestion and go-green trends, many have opted for a ride that makes less impact on the environment. Electric bicycles and scooters are fast-becoming popular modes of transportation. How can you decide if an… 0 Shares |

Rugs in Despair: Are Cloth Moths to Blame?

Rugs can provide a feeding frenzy for clothes moths, who dine on the fibers. If you see that your rug is in disarray, it could be due to clothes moths that have been eating away at the threaded materials the… 0 Shares |

Detecting Radon: Mitigation Standards, Costs, and Treatment

In recent months, stories of elevated radon levels in homes have covered the news. Studies show that at least six percent of homes may have a radon problem, which is a known cancer causing agent. Anything over 4pCi per Liter… 0 Shares |

Your Posture Affects More Than You Think

Poor posture can be a contributing factor to many health problems. Some of the most common problems can include: Back, neck and shoulder pain Muscle fatigue Joint degeneration Spinal dysfunction General body aches and muscle fatigue Rounded shoulders Decreased cardiovascular… 0 Shares |

3 Things Every New Blogger Should Know About

So you’ve decided to start a blog. Maybe you run your own business and have a stale website that’s been sitting there for years and you want to dust it off and use it to reach more customers. Maybe you’ve… 0 Shares |