Entries by Rosalina


Rosalina is a topic that Tracy particularly enjoys covering. Rosalina loves studying the latest trends in cosmetics and skin care, but her experience extends further than that. Rosalina writes on all aspects of beauty - hair and skin care, makeup, tips and tricks and product reviews.

10 Warning Signs You Need to Clean Up Toxins from Your Body

You may have read about detoxification programs in a magazine or on the Web or saw a segment about it on TV – the buzz about detoxification program is literally everywhere. However, while you may be curious, you may also… 0 Shares |

10 Toxic Products You Can Live Without

When most people think about pollutants or contaminants, they don’t consider that such compounds could be right there in their own homes. And yet, many common household items that people don’t even think twice about contains many toxins that can… 0 Shares |

5 Super Foods that Slow Down the Aging Process

Nothing can stop the aging process in its tracks, of course, but as a young or middle-aged adults, there are a lot of things that you can help slow the aging process down and keep you fit and healthy for… 0 Shares |

7 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds You Must Know

This time of year, when you think “pumpkin”, you are probably thinking about pumpkin pie. While this wonderful dessert has earned its place as the traditional Thanksgiving treat, however, do not ignore the pumpkin seeds. There is a whole array… 0 Shares |

5 Foods Dangerous for Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition where the body is unable to use the carbohydrates from food in a proper manner. As a result of this inability, the blood sugar levels of diabetics can go much higher or much lower than… 0 Shares |

9 Ways to Achieving the Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg

Eggs are considered to be one of the most perfect sources of protein, having as they do a wealth of other nutrients and fatty acids that they bring in as well. While most people like eggs poached or sunny-side up,… 0 Shares |

10 Best Sources of Clean Protein

Protein is one of the nutrients needed by your body in large quantities for the formation and maintenance of muscle and for countless other bodily functions. However, whether you are vegetarian or a meat-eater, getting clean protein can be challenging,… 0 Shares |

Arnica: Powerful Natural Pain Relief

Pain control is a major issue for Americans, and millions across the country suffer from it on a daily basis. In recent years, the solution for many doctors has been to prescribe massive amounts of pain killers like hydrocodone and… 0 Shares |

7 Foods that Contain the Highest Amounts of Pesticides

There is a good reason why people who are concerned about their long-term health are increasingly buy organic products. The majority of fruits and vegetables that are sold in grocery stores today have been conventionally raised and those exposed to… 0 Shares |

6 Superfoods That Can Heal Your Entire Body

One of the problems with the American diet is that is relies increasingly on processed foods. This foods are usually not only high in simple carbohydrates, sodium and saturated fats, they also tend to be nutrient-poor. This means that more… 0 Shares |