5 Super Foods that Slow Down the Aging Process


Nothing can stop the aging process in its tracks, of course, but as a young or middle-aged adults, there are a lot of things that you can help slow the aging process down and keep you fit and healthy for as long as possible. This can include regular exercise, avoiding tobacco or excessive alcohol use, controlling stress and a healthy diet. This diet is especially good if it includes the foods above, which have been shown to be particularly effective at slowing down the clock.


No surprise here! Garlic is a strong anti-inflammatory which can help treat many age-related illnesses like arthritis that can seriously impact your quality of life as you get older. It is also a powerful antioxidant that helps slow the aging process by preventing or repairing oxidative damage done to the tissues over time by free radicals. In addition to this, it is also great for at prevent heart disease, which is still the number one killer in America today.


Whether your preference is strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries, the fruits in this group are another great way to help slow the aging process. Like garlic, they, too are a rich source of antioxidants which promotes the general health of cells throughout the body and can also protect against serious conditions like cancer. They are also high in vitamins and dietary fiber, both of which have a positive impact on the body.


Oysters are not only a delicious delicacy no matter how you consume them, they are also incredibly healthy for you! They are a rich source of zinc, which is a nutrient needed to repair and regenerate the skin and to keep it firm and youthful-looking or if you have any wounds or open areas that you would like to heal up quickly.


Tomatoes have the great virtue of not only be incredibly versatile but also retaining their nutritional value even after they have been cooked. They are rich in an antioxidant called lycopene, which can lower the risk of cardiac disease and cancer development and also ward off age-related problems like memory loss or long-term damage to the skin due to UV rays.


Back in the nineties, during the “egg scare” people turned away from this food due to fears about cholesterol, and though that myth has been pretty well refuted, some people still get nervous about consuming them. However, eggs are a great source of protein and are also packed full of the vitamins and minerals you need to help keep your body young and fit.

So if you are wanting to age well, trying including the foods mentioned above in your diet on the regular basis. They can certainly help slow down the aging process and be a part of a lifestyle that promotes fitness and longevity.

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Rosalina is a topic that Tracy particularly enjoys covering. Rosalina loves studying the latest trends in cosmetics and skin care, but her experience extends further than that. Rosalina writes on all aspects of beauty - hair and skin care, makeup, tips and tricks and product reviews.