Entries by Phyllis Bentley


I have 12 years’ experience in the medical industry. As a freelance writer, I have written a number of articles which have been published in highly read publications. I have a strong knowledge base in a range of medical and wellness topics and in the business of health care. Specialities in Family health; autoimmune diseases; mental health; diabetes, cancer; fitness and nutrition.

7 Non-Addictive and Cost-Effective Herbs For Chronic Back Pain Relief

There is probably nothing more debilitating than chronic pain. Defined as pain lasting for six months or longer, chronic pain afflicts 50 to 80 million mid-life Americans and costs us over $100 billion in social costs every year. Back pain… 0 Shares |

7 Incredible Benefits of Almond Milk And Its Simple Homemade Recipe

Almond milk is more beneficial and nutritious than ordinary dairy milk, due to the fact that it contains much more nutrients and it has not been subjected to the same processing. It is also an ideal alternative for those who… 0 Shares |

Purple Corn Juice: Cure Cancer, Blood Pressure And Inhibits Diabetic Kidney Damage

Purple corn is turning out to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet.The health benefits of purple corn are pervasive in the body, and it has a normalizing effect on many bodily systems. A native plant of Peru… 0 Shares |

Home Composting: 16 Foods That’ll Re-Grow from Kitchen Scraps

Food is expensive. If you do the grocery shopping for your household, you know that this is one of the highest costs related to your home and family. While it may be unlikely that you can completely eliminate your grocery… 0 Shares |

Excess Kilograms: 5 Juice Recipes That Help To Shrink Fat Naturally

When it comes to losing weight, the efforts always fall short. Most of the people who do not find success for a month or two give it up. How good it would be if you could have something that could… 0 Shares |

Cholesterol Confusion: Cholesterol It’s Not The Enemy, It’s Inflammation That’s Killing Us Slowly

Cholesterol is not the same as fat. Fat is the white streak in a steak and the grease that dribbles out of a drumstick. But cholesterol is invisible. Cholesterol particles are found in the membranes that surround the cells that… 0 Shares |

7 Early Symtomps of Liver Damage– 3 Amazing Liver Detox Mixture

Keeping an eye open for any early signs of liver problems is an essential part of maintaining a holistic health lifestyle. Without a fully functioning liver, both your health and lifestyle will be compromised. Luckily your liver is capable of… 0 Shares |

Why The Toxins Pile Up In The Intestine? 3 juice That Cleanse intestine Naturally

The digestive system in humans is essentially a continuous tube from mouth to anus. (Don’t think about that the next time you kiss someone.) As a system, it performs several critical functions, ranging from digestion to immune support, with each… 0 Shares |

Tried & Tested: Drink That Detox Whole Organism Naturally

If you have the need to purify your blood from fats, or need a complete regeneration of the organism here is the perfect solution for you. This drink will not only renew your body but it will also get rid… 0 Shares |

12 Power-Packed Vegetables and Fruits Peels And Health Benefits

It’s true. Citrus fruits, apples, grapes, and tomatoes all have amazing antioxidant properties in their skins! (Think of antioxidants as the “clean up crew” in your body, using their resources to counteract the damaging effects of poor nutrition, pollution, stress,… 0 Shares |