Entries by Martin Pytela


My story starts 30 years ago when as a naive young man I stepped into a dentist's office with a freshly earned medical insurance. Twelve mercury fillings later my life took on a new course. During the next 20 years while I was working as an Information Technology consultant (my university education is in business administration and computer science), I also became my own research project in learning about the dysfunctional medical system, its failure to seek holistic or strategic solutions, and the collusion of industrial interests to perpetuate treatment instead of healing. My health decline was profound, and eventually I hit the proverbial wall. I gave up on the problem oriented allopathic approach, and applied my training to analyze the situation. I now understand the cause of degenerative disease, I reversed it in myself, and am helping thousands to do the same for themselves. I believe in personal empowerment. I help people take charge of their own body and restore their health . For the last 12 years I have been running Life Enthusiast, and work there as a health coach. I am certified as a Metabolic Typing Advisor, and write about Biological Individuality, the main reason people cannot use the one-size-fits-all approach pushed in the mainstream. You can find me on http://www.life-enthusiast.com I will write about chronic health problems, and how they can be reversed using natural products. I will advocate for organic food, and things one could find in health food stores.

Why Overeating Doesn’t Make You Fat

Why Overeating Doesn’t Make You Fat Do You Have FLC Syndrome? Food addiction—literally, true biological addiction to sugar, flour, and processed foods—drives our overeating behavior. And it makes us have FLC Syndrome, where we “Feel Like Crap.” It’s quite simple:… 0 Shares |

Fukushima: Is It Safe To Eat Radioactive Seafood?

Many opinions have been expressed about the ever worsening situation with the nuclear power plant disaster in Fukushima, Japan. The company representatives have downplayed the impact, and the current state of affairs. Maybe they are hiding the truth, maybe they… 0 Shares |

Is Toxin-Free Life Style Important?

Your body’s capacity to detoxify is not unlimited. Your cells produce toxic garbage just by going through the metabolic processes they are designed to do, and your cleansing organs need to get rid of all the toxins created by digestion,… 0 Shares |

Living Water, or Water of Life

Is there something to the rumors that water is the universal memory storage device of life? Is there a difference between a “living” and “dead” water?  Can water be structured? Apparently there is. We just have not been looking in… 0 Shares |

The first sign of trouble was a massive, fatal heart attack

How many times have you heard: “The first sign of trouble was a massive, fatal heart attack” – it happens thousands of times every day. Let me remind you of a few famous examples: James Gandolfini, John Ritter, Tim Russert… 0 Shares |

10 Reasons Why Summer Is THE Season for Eating Well

Guest blog by Dr. Mark Hyman There are so many reasons why I love the summertime: the green grass and warm sunshine, longer days and warmer evenings, more time to savor all the beauty of the outdoors. But the best… 0 Shares |

How Hemp Oil is changing the Chronic Pain Management

Recent statements by Dr. Sanjay Gupta have been quoted and requoted all over the media, and for a good reason. It is an important issue, and his is an important voice. Here is a quote from a blog on MSN:… 0 Shares |