Entries by Lynn Griffith


Lynn is a licensed therapist who enjoys cooking, creativity and enjoys helping other's learn how to care for their minds and bodies through healthy eating.  Lynn has wrote for The Raw Food World News and is currently in the process of building her own website focused on managing mental health through nutrition and wellness.

Six spices that improve heart health

Throughout the years, the statistics continue to show a rise of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.  Numerous studies are connecting our health with the food that we eat.  While the obesity rates have not fallen, Americans are consuming fewer calories… 0 Shares |

Mediterranean Diet with EVOO found to reduce risk of breast cancer by 68 percent

The Mediterranean diet is based on traditional foods eaten in the Mediterranean region in the year 1960.  Researchers have found that people in this region were exceptionally healthy when compared to Americans.  The diet has been linked to weight loss,… 0 Shares |

Four teas that prevent cancer, reduce risk of hypertension, and protect against neurological degeneration!

Tea is the most widely consumed beverage outside of water and is found in 80 percent of all U.S. households.  On a given day, approximately 158 million Americans are drinking tea.(1)  Research reports that the health benefits of tea are… 0 Shares |

Magnesium reduces risk of colorectal cancer!

The human body contains 20-28 milligrams of magnesium.  Over 50 percent of this magnesium is stored in the skeletal system.  Magnesium is necessary for over 300 enzymatic reactions.  A deficiency of magnesium can result in insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, coronary… 0 Shares |

Six cancer fighting beverages proven to kill cancer cells!

Research has shown that inactivity and unhealthy diet can increase a person’s risk of cancer.  We may not be able to change genetics but we can change our lifestyle.  Factors such as getting to and remaining at a healthy weight,… 0 Shares |

Studies show that cinnamon could treat and prevent lymphoma, melanoma, cervical and colorectal cancerc!

Cinnamon has become a common household spice used in everything from breakfast to dessert.  Cinnamon is also well known for its high amounts of polyphenol antioxidants, its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to improve cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure.(1) Cinnamon… 0 Shares |

Compound in spirulina found to kill breast cancer cells

Breast cancer affects close to 3 million women in the United States.(1)  Second to skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women.(2) Alternative cancer treatment found to be more congruent with personal values, beliefs, and… 0 Shares |

Acupuncture believed to help fight cancer by enhancing the immune system and supporting remission!

More and more people are seeking alternative cancer treatments.  Studies completed by the Survey Sampling International and The Research Intelligence Group report that two-thirds of people across the world feel disrespected by their physicians.  They also report that unclear communication… 0 Shares |

Four vitamins that will provide clear, supple, glowing skin!

A survey that was conducted from February 4, 2014 to March 11, 2015 found that 32 percent of American households spend $500 or more on skin care products.(1)  Many people seek after clear skin, tight pores, and that healthy glow.  … 0 Shares |

An avocado a day keeps the cardiologist away! (Recipe included)

Avocado’s are prized for it’s nutrient value, rich texture and mild flavor.  It has become popular in health circles and is even considered to be a superfood.  In a 3.5 ounce serving you can find Vitamin K: 26 percent of… 0 Shares |