Top 10 Respiratory System Intestinal Tract Herbal Remedies!
The respiratory system supports over 20,000 breaths taken on an average per day. The diaphragm gives the lungs respiratory strength drawing air to supply the body with oxygen. Oxygen then enters the blood stream, dispensed to organs, cells, and tissues, where an exchange for carbon dioxide is taken back to the lungs and are exhaled. The simple exposure to the outside elements seem to leave many vulnerable to viral infections and other bacteria illnesses. But worry not, medicinal herbs have been used to combat respiratory issues for years; problems like; laryngitis, hay fever, influenza, to tuberculosis usually respond quickly to herbal medicines. Our respiratory tracts main line of defense consist of delicate nasal hairs and a protective mucous lining. Therefore the next time you’re faced with flu symptoms try a peppermint, black pepper, cinnamon, lemon, marjoram, rosemary, basil, garlic, or a ginger tea. These natural antibiotics can also be taken directly into infected lungs and sinuses by inhaling an herbal steam made using their essential oils. And remember,’ healing from virus-damaged cells take place between twelve midnight and the early morning hours. The saying is, ‘to feed a cold and starve a fever’, light food consumption, or a semi-fast enhances immune activity, while symptoms may not go away overnight, you will get better more completely with herbal use. Here are 10 top herbs for assistance with the respiratory system:
Top 10 herbs and uses:
*Sage: Is known for antibacterial activity, good for treating sore throats, coughs, gastroenteritis and other gastrointestinal tract infections.
Parts used: Leaves and flowers, made into a vinegar gargle, diluted tincture for gargle, tea or honey cough syrup.
*Marshmallow root: Contains a gummy substance called mucilage that soothes irritated mucous membranes from sore throats, coughs, and indigestion.
Parts used: Leaves and roots, made into tea, infusion, extract, and tinctures.
*Mullein: Good for sore throat and for coating irritated respiratory tissues.
Parts used: Leaves and flowers made into tea.
*Licorice root: Enhances immunity by boosting levels of interferon, helps the relief of sore throat, cough, and gastritis.
Parts used: The rhizomes and can be make into lozenges, or Tea.
*Elderberry: High in vitamin C and antioxidants can help decrease cold and flu symptoms.
Parts uses: Flowers and fruits made into syrup and lozenge.
*Thyme: Is antispasmodic calming coughs and clears bronchial mucus, it’s also is antibacterial and antiviral. Great for colds, flu, and digestive problems.
Parts used: Leaves, and flowers made into tea.
*Eucalyptus: The eucalyptol oil helps relieve upper respiratory infections, colds, coughs and asthma.
Parts used: leaves and oil, made into tea, cough drops, chest rubs and vapor baths.
*Echinacea: known for it’s stimulation of white blood cells and immune system benefits to kill of viruses and bacteria. Helps to relief cold and flu.
Parts Used: Whole Plant made into tea, tincture and capsule.
*Horehound:Has been used as treatments for respiratory ailments for centuries for hysteria, bronchitis, cardiovascular, colds, cough, sore throat and lung problems.
The Navajo tribe used horehound for stomach aches, influenza, and infection.
Parts used: Leaves and Stems made into a tea, cough drops, tincture, and cough syrup.
*Pelargonium: Zulu tribe medicine, used to treat respiratory infections, pneumonia, tonsillitis, an acute sinusitis. Pelargonin works as a natural antibiotics.
Parts Used: Roots made into Tea, tincture and lozenges.
References Sources:
National Geographic Natures Best Remedies Book:
Organic Herbs/Super-foods: