New Excuse to Stop Stressing – Shocking New Study Finds We’re Giving Ourselves Cancer


An estimated 567,614 United States Citizens died in 2009 from cancer alone. That number is up by 18,000 since 1999 and growing every year. Cancer is sweeping the nation by storm and with the crazy amounts of toxins invading our food, air, and water supply there’s no wonder why. However, a new study shows there’s another mystery factor in the list of cancer causes, stress. Learn why it’s more important now than ever to stop stressing and get happy.

I know, you’re probably thinking – Oh great, another thing to stress about, not stressing! The reality is though that stress contributes to illnesses across the board. Everything from obesity to heart failure to infertility and it’s more important now than ever to learn to live happier.

Stated best in the study, “It’s like what Pogo said: ‘We have met the enemy, and he is us,‘” said Tsonwin Hai, professor of molecular and cellular biochemistry at The Ohio State University and senior author of the study. “If your body does not help cancer cells, they cannot spread as far. So really, the rest of the cells in the body help cancer cells to move, to set up shop at distant sites. And one of the unifying themes here is stress.”

We’re killing ourselves, which means we have the control to stop it.

Cancer numbers are increasing, and this study is slapping you in the face with a “STOP STRESSING” sign, so why aren’t we listening? As a population, we have the power to change our circumstances for generations to come. For most people, the answer is one of two simple things. One, they don’t know how to change it and need help. Two, they aren’t willing to just, “let things go” and learn to live a happier life.

If you’re the former, there’s hope yet and you can add “preventing cancer” to your list of reasons it’s absolutely crucial you make the choice to change your life for the better now.

What can you do to stop stressing, and live better?

Living simpler is about what some call the three basic principles of life; Mental Health, Spiritual Health, and Physical Health. What does that mean for you? It means just a few small changes in each principle could get you further away from the dreaded diseases of the 2010s.

·    Improving your Mental Health

  • Smile, even if you don’t feel like it. Spend the first 10 minutes of your day smiling. Studies show that smiling enhances your mood, even if you don’t mean to.
  • Exercise (the double-whammy), exercise is a natural mood booster and not only clears your mind, but helps your body.
  • Commit to being grateful; look for things daily to keep yourself thankful for your surroundings.

·    Improving your Spiritual Health

  • This doesn’t just mean believing in “God”, in fact, no matter what you believe in, you can contribute to your spiritual health just by believing in something. Ever heard of the phrase, “feeding your soul” ?

·    Improving your Physical Health

  • This one should be almost a no brainer; you want to feel better? Get some exercise, even just 10 minutes a day!
  • Feed yourself natural foods, raw foods, and happy foods. Don’t give yourself toxic waste!

 ·    Words of Wisdom on Living Better and Feeling Better

  • What you put in, you get out!
  • Don’t be so busy making a living, that you forget to live!
  • You’re the writer of your own play.

Remember, you control your destiny.

Chances are, you already know what you have to do. It’s just important that you pick up the pace and do it. Don’t wait until it’s too late, take a step in the right direction and help yourself while you still can!


* Study links Stress “Master Switch” to Cancer

Amanda Little
I'm Amanda and I'm a 22 year old mother who's been diagnosed with PCOS. I'm passionate about health and wellness and aim to make a difference however I can. I also blog over at my site, HealthyHerLiving.