Moringa Oleifera, can be found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. It originally grows in Africa, the Himalayan region and parts of South-East Asia. Nonetheless, this plant has recently become a big hit in the USA and Europe because of the variety of health benefits and its nutritional value.
It contains a profile of essential minerals and is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, beta-carotene, amino acids and various phenolics. Moringa has been touted to increase energy levels without the stimulation of caffeine, as well as promoting weight loss.
How to use moringa?
You can add moringa powder to your smoothie or drink it as a tea. The leaf powder was deemed safe in human studies, even in larger doses than normal. The powder has a mild flavor, so it makes for a light tea with a slightly earthy taste.
The Health Benefits of Moringa Oleifera Plants
Lower Blood Sugar
High blood sugar can be a serious health problem. In fact, it is the main characteristic of diabetes. Interestingly, several studies have shown that Moringa oleifera may help lower blood sugar levels. In one study, 30 women took seven grams of moringa leaf powder every day for three months. This reduced fasting blood sugar levels by 13.5%.
Improve Digestive Health
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, moringa has been used in ancient systems to treat stomach ulcers, liver disease, kidney damage, fungal or yeast infections (such as candida), digestive complaints, and infections.
Reduce inflammation
Inflammation can lead to chronic diseases like diabetes, respiratory problems, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and obesity. Moringa reduces inflammation by suppressing inflammatory enzymes and proteins in the body, and moringa leaf concentrate can significantly lower inflammation in the cells.
Great Aphrodisiac
Can be used as an aphrodisiac and promoter of libido- The drumstick seeds are used as a sexual virility drug for treating erectile dysfunction in men and also in women for prolonging sexual activity.
Protection to Liver
Eating a healthy diet helps your liver to perform all of its functions well. In contrast, a high-fat diet can cause fat to build up in your liver tissue, leading to multiple health problems. Moringa plants can help reverse the liver damage done by unhealthy foods.
Natural Antibiotic
Moringa is used as a topical and internal treatment for minor infections. Its antibiotic property is identified as Pterygospermin, a bacterial and fungicidal compound. Its chemical description is glucosinolate 4 alpha-L-rhamnosyloxy benzyl isothiocyanate.
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