Over the past 20+ years,we’ve been privileged to see over 54 women, diagnosed as being infertile, go on to have successful pregnancies and healthy babies. As a father and a practitioner, I can’t think of a better result than this. It can be devastating to a couple to find out that they won’t be able to have children. For some women, it’s a lifelong dream. Many of these formerly infertile women had tried everything that the medical profession had to offer them, from pills to implantation, with no success. When those options didn’t work, they were told that there was no other way. Fortunately, there is.
Infertility is defined as the inability to get pregnant after unprotected sex of a year or more. There can be many reasons for this that range from abnormal anatomy or physiology, to functional imbalances caused by diet, infections, environmental toxins, medications, stress, hormones, inflammation, age, etc. The majority of these causes fall outside the awareness and education of the medical field, leaving women who follow that route with very limited chances of success. Far too few couples find out about the other options that are available to them.
Fungal candida was found to be one of the possible causes of infertility by researchers from Serbia. The ability of fungal candida to affect other areas such as blood sugar, inflammation, and hormones increases the likelihood that in some way or another, it will play a role in infertility.
Diet is another major influence on fertility. An organic, whole foods diet can improve any women’s odds of getting pregnant. If the system that these type of foods pass through on their way to being absorbed by the body has been disrupted by medications, such as antibiotics, then the effectiveness of such foods will be diminished. Disrupting the intestinal flora will cause shifts and imbalances that affect the vaginal flora, as well. With at least 70% of the immune system being located within the intestinal tract, disturbances here will result in immune system imbalances that can affect fertility.
The Candida Plan addresses several areas all at once through diet, detoxification, support of healthy candida levels, and restoration of healthy bacterial flora. These changes in turn help to create better blood sugar balance and decreased levels of inflammation that in turn can help to balance and improve hormone function and tissue physiology. All of these together can help to make for a healthier pregnancy and subsequently, healthier babies.
The role of antibiotics in creating many of the imbalances that lead to infertility is not information that you’ll find being promoted by the medical field. In fact, the use of antibiotics to assist in creating pregnancy is the only point of view currently being offered by the medical field. Initial studies have shown that antibiotics may also affect male fertility.
I have also seen a very low rate of miscarriages in women doing the Plan. The rate of miscarriages commonly cited in the U.S. is about 15%20%, with one study citing as much as 31%. Of the 54+ women doing the Plan, only one had a miscarriage, and she subsequently went on to have healthy twins. That represents a miscarriage rate of approximately 3%, a significant decrease.
From my clinical observations, it’s obvious that imbalances in the flora of the body can lead to a sort of “functional” infertility that can be reversed through diet, detoxification, and restoring normal tissue flora.
As a father of twins, I have a deep and profound appreciation of the gift that all children are.
Dr. Jeff McCombs, DC