Tag: antibiotics

Autism – Symptoms REVERSED in New Study
Symptoms of autism were reversed in a study published in April of 2017 by Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology.1 Five children, average age of 9 years old, received one dose of suramin – a manmade drug first synthesized in… 0 Shares | | Posted in Food, GMOs, Health, Health, Holistic Medicine, Home, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, News, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Parental Rights, Pharmaceuticals, Science, Science & Tech
Top Natural Antibiotics Hiding In Your Kitchen
The over-use of antibiotics may lead to many unwanted side effects. According to healthline.com, the overuse of antibiotics are affecting people’s health in several ways: Antibiotics may increase fatal diarrhea cases in kids Antibiotics also upset sensitive gut flora Antibiotics… 0 Shares | | Posted in Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Home, Lifestyle, Medicine, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Personal Care, Recipes
5 Herbs To Boost Immunity To The Next Level That You Have Got To Try
Most people understand that we live in a polluted world. And we need stronger immune systems in order to flourish in such harsh conditions. We need immunity like Godzilla. And so are we. Our immune system needs help, and herbs… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
9 Steps to Finally Heal from Insulin Resistance
“The CDC reports that as many as 80 million Americans were insulin-resistant, and most don’t pay attention to insulin resistance being a precursor to diabetes.”(1) Insulin resistance can affect all organs in the body including the skin. Making simple… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Science
FDA issues warnings about Cipro side effects and other antibiotics
The FDA warns about Cipro side effects. The FDA has issued a warning about the use of the common antibiotics Cipro and other in the class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones. Drugs on the current FDA-approved list that are not newly… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Hospitals & Surgery, Lifestyle, Medicine, News, Personal Care, Pharmaceuticals, Science
The gut-brain axis, the microbiome, and chronic disease development
What I’d like to focus on with this article is a major network of disease causation and progression involving the gut-brain axis, the gastrointestinal microbiome, and inflammatory cascades. The enteric (meaning of the gut) nervous system’s connection to the central… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Holistic Medicine, Nutritional Medicine
5 Ways To Create A Healthy Digestive System
When it comes to digestion, there are plenty of bandaid solutions that provide a very narrow view and singular solutions that address only a small part of the problem. If that is what you are looking for, you may want… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health
How Nasal Balloon Can Help With Glue Ear
Giving children antibiotics too frequently can cause them to develop a resistance to the antibiotics and can worsen the conditions they have. Middle ear infections are often treated with antibiotics, and in some patients these infections recur repeatedly. Beyond this,… 0 Shares | | Posted in Health, Medicine
Subway Will Remove Antibiotic Treated Meat From Menu
The world’s largest fast food chain announced plans to remove antibiotic treated meat products from their menu by 2025. Subway will introduce antibiotic free chicken in its 27,000 locations by March of 2016, antibiotic-free turkey by 2019 and by 2025… 0 Shares | | Posted in Chemicals, Environment, Food, Food, Health, News