Entries by Dr. Brent Hunter
My mission is to help you Achieve Wellness! I am a Chiropractic physician with a focus on delivering the principles of a wellness lifestyle to people of all ages. In my practice, this is accomplished through providing specific chiropractic care and whole-person wellness education. Additionally, I am a husband and father of a Deaf son. I am passionate about the Word of God, building strong families, Chiropractic Health Care, Optimal Nutrition and Exercise, Deaf Culture and American Sign Language.

Top Lifestyle Hacks to Defeat Seasonal Affective Disorder
Are you tired of this cold and gloomy winter weather? Many of us are frustrated, tired, experiencing more colds and illness, and even a bit depressed. You are not alone in this! These symptoms are more common this time of… 0 Shares |
World Spine Day 2014
Every year on October 16th people from around the world join together to raise awareness on World Spine Day as part of the Bone and Joint Decade’s Action Week. The@World_Spine_Day (WSD) theme for 2014 is “Straighten Up and Move”, focusing… 0 Shares |
Did You Know This About Chiropractic? – National Chiropractic Health Month
October is National Chiropractic Health Month. Last month – September 18th – marked the 119th anniversary of the founding of the Chiropractic profession by Daniel David Palmer in 1895. Since then, Chiropractic Health Care has flourished globally and has become… 0 Shares |
Top 10 Reasons to Stop Using Splenda Right Now!
Still using Splenda as your sweetener of choice? It is the most versatile and widely used artificial sweetener. However, as is often the case, popularity of a product does not mean that it is safe. Over the years since Splenda’s… 0 Shares |
Natural Sun Protection the Wellness Way
It’s summertime and millions of Americans are excited to spend hours outdoors at the beach, sunny parks and beautiful bike trails. At the same time, sun protection and fear of skin cancer is a major concern as well. Have you… 0 Shares |
How to Get the Best Results From Your Health
How many times have you started a new diet or exercise routine – expecting great results – only to be left disappointed or frustrated with your outcome? You are not alone. You may be missing this key that will help… 0 Shares |
Pediatric GERD Relieved With Chiropractic Care
A recent case report published at Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics lends support to the idea that chiropractic treatment can provide relief of pediatric GERD. There have been past reports of chiropractic care relieving GERD in adults. This report suggests… 0 Shares |
Celiac Disease Linked to Increased Risk of CAD
If you have celiac disease, then you are nearly twice as likely to develop CAD – coronary artery disease. This link was demonstrated in a large retrospective study presented at the American College of Cardiology 2014 Scientific Sessions last week.… 0 Shares |
How Lifestyle Changes Your Genes for Better Heart Health
Amazing new research shows how your lifestyle changes your genes to improve your cardiovascular health. We have seen many studies documenting that healthy changes to your diet, exercise and stress management improve your heart health. However, this research shows us… 0 Shares |