Entries by Mayimina


Mayimina has written articles on most health-related topics, including traditional medicine, alternative and naturopathic and natural treatments, wellness, medical marijuana, diets and fitness.

5 Superfoods that Boost Your Brain Power

Like everything else in your body, your brain is highly effected by the foods that you eat. A nutrient-poor diet based on processed foods, for example, can lead to mental sluggishness and poor memory and concentration. On the other hand,… 0 Shares |

20 Ways in Which Turmeric Can Cure You

It is simply not possible to say enough about the healing properties of this deep golden spice from India. Research is ongoing into the health benefits of this spice, and modern science continues to uncover ways in which it can… 0 Shares |

7 Signs You Need to be Getting More Vitamin D

Unless you are out in the sun on regular basis, adequate amounts of Vitamin D can be hard to come by. This is mostly due to the fact that it is more difficult to get this vitamin from the diet… 0 Shares |

10 Plants and Herbs that Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections and Repair Pulmonary Damage

Especially with the cold and flu season and the winter now looming on the horizon, it is important to take care of the respiratory tract. Below are herbs that have a proven track record of promoting respiratory help and of… 0 Shares |

5 Health Benefits of Magnesium Rich Foods

In general, most people are simply not aware of the importance of magnesium in their diet in the same way that they are of minerals like iron or calcium. However, this nutrient, too, is vital to the healthy functioning of… 0 Shares |

4 Probiotic Foods that Bulletproof the Immune System

As scientific research in the area of probiotics continues, modern medicine is beginning to realize just how important a role bacteria plays in the overall health of the human body. A ration of 85% “good” bacteria to 15% “bad” bacteria… 0 Shares |

5 Foods That Are High In Potassium

Most people are aware that high-potassium foods are good for them – they’re just not always sure why! The truth is, though, that this nutrient truly is vital for proper functioning of the body. It is necessary for the health… 0 Shares |

6 Health benefits of matcha green tea

Most people have heard about the health benefits of green tea but do not know about matcha green tea, a specific brew that has long been part of Japanese culture. This tea is brewed from the young green leaves of… 0 Shares |

5 Home remedies for sinus infections

Sinus infections, often caused by allergies, the presence of nasal polyps, a deviated septum or exposure to irritants like cigarette smoke, are painful, often inflammatory conditions of the hollow, air-filled sacs which lie behind the cheekbones and forehead. These infections… 0 Shares |

Homemade Plantago Syrup: A Recipe for Treating Lung Diseases

While many people have never ever heard of plantago, this plant has long been used in folk medicine to help treat a number of ailments. This treatment can be topical applications to treat wounds, swelling or inflammation. But it can… 0 Shares |