Entries by Sherice


Study: Every 5 Minutes Someone Dies From A Blood Clot! 7 Food That Fight DVT Naturally

What Are Blood Clots? It is normal for blood to clot if you experience a cut or scrape. However, if your blood clots in your deep veins a “deep vein thrombosis”, or DVT may form. DVTs can partially or completely… 0 Shares |

14 Fabulous Uses & Benefits Of Leftover Lemon Peels

Lemon is that one fruit that is blessed with natural healing and soothing properties which we can use, but the amazing thing is that we are also able to take advantage of the benefits of lemon peel. Lemon peels contain… 0 Shares |

15 Home Remedies For Toothache Emergency

Toothache is horrible experience it’s almost like a background buzzing that stops you from concentrating. The severity of a toothache can vary from chronic and gentle to sharp and unbearable. Tooth pain happens when the nerve is inflamed. Generally this… 0 Shares |

Peaches Force Cancer Cells To Commit Suicide

Natural ingredient in peaches may stop spread of killer disease cancer. Eating 3 peaches everyday could keeps breast cancer away, it induces metastatic breast cancer cell death, says food science researcher Giuliana Noratto at Washington State University. Professor Giuliana Noratto… 0 Shares |

11 Foods That Resemble Human Body Parts

Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” And it just so happens that many natural whole foods closely resemble the organs and body parts they’re good for! There are certain foods that actually resemble certain… 0 Shares |

10 Air Purifying Plants To Remove Harmful Indoor Toxins

Now a days air purifying plants have gained special importance in lives of people; reason being, they are the best and cheapest way to keep the indoor atmosphere and ambiance as healthy and environment friendly as possible. The health benefits… 0 Shares |

Eating Raw, Pulverized Garlic Daily Reduces Lung & Bowel Cancer 40%

New studies show that eating raw, pulverized garlic every day reduces the risk of lung and bowel cancer quite dramatically – as much as 40% and possibly even more. It is thought that the primary reason behind the drastic reduction… 0 Shares |

7 Home Remedies That Reduce Mucus, Phlegm and Snot

You’ll experience a blockage in your nose or throat and this is only because of the formation of phlegm being thick mucus. The respiratory and digestive tracts have mucus lining for protection and support. It is made up a mixture… 0 Shares |

Potency Of Pumpkin Seeds

The pumpkin seeds are considered to be amongst one of the healthiest super foods, which cure a number of ailments. Its plentiful antioxidants, enzymes, iron, zinc, vitamins C and K, and fiber make it one of nature’s great health foods.… 0 Shares |

10 Reasons You Should Include Raisins In Your Diet

Raisins are one of the most well known and versatile dried fruits available today. Raisins were produced in Persia and Egypt and were even mentioned in the Old Testament. It is not only tasty additions to cookies and cakes, but… 0 Shares |