Entries by Ni Zain
Ni Zain has been living in Asia for almost 20 years and is an expert in cleansing and detox processes, as well as healthy eating. She has written her first book called "The REAL Healthy Cooking Book - Part 1", and is now in the process of publishing it – while she was writing this book, she realized she had so much more to write about healthy cooking, so Part 2 & 3 are now slowly being developed. "Healing Women and Me" is another book in the works - a wonderful guide for women on how to live healthier in our modern world, with incredibly inspiring photos from women around the world, but mostly from Bali, where Ni Zain has been living for many years. Ni Zain has published many articles on www.baliforkids.com Magazine and is a holistic voice in her community. Her work is based on a healing philosophy of body, mind and spirit: Only if all three are in balance can we live a healthy and happy life. Ni Zain is an Access Consciousness Practitioner, telepath, spiritual healer, life style coach and works also on repairing DNA in humans and plants. She believes all diseases can be cured with a fully holistic approach. A large part of her teaching is about prevention, rather than cure. "The 5 Pillars of Self Healing" - another book in development - will open a full self healing program for everyone, based on the 5 Elements of Life. You can read more about Ni Zain on www.nizain.com or on her facebook page www.facebook.com/ni.zain.7