Entries by Mike Bundrant


Watch the free video The AHA! Process: An End to Self-Sabotage and discover the lost keys to personal transformation and emotional well-being that have been suppressed by mainstream mental health for decades. The information in this video has been called the missing link in mental health and personal development. In a world full of shallow, quick-fix techniques, second rate psychology and pharmaceutical takeovers, real solutions have become nearly impossible to find. This presentation will turn your world upside down. Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program. Follow Mike on Facebook for daily personal development tips.

20 Mental Health Symptoms of Food-Borne Heavy Metal Toxicity

Most people believe that the food supply must be safe for human consumption, right? This is a dangerous assumption. There are, in fact, toxic heavy metals in our food, air, water and other consumer goods. These substances could be affecting… 0 Shares |

Five Essential Nutrients You Should Be Supplementing

Guest post by Colin of Raw Revelations Superfoods With so many choices of vitamins and supplements on the market, and so many choices out there, I am going to present my take of the top five nutrient essentials. I have… 0 Shares |

Bacteria May Be Controlling Food Cravings

Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center. According to a new report, the bacteria in our digestive system may indeed play a particularly active role in determining our food choices. Active bacteria outweigh human cells by 100 to 1,… 0 Shares |

85% Report Increased Willpower After Free Online Course

After voluntary and anonymous participation in a free online course for the public , 85% of users reported an increase in willpower. As of this writing, 121 people have participated in the online willpower course. Updates may be posted at… 0 Shares |

The Anti-Anxiety Diet

By Nadine Chopra Anxiety and anxiety-related conditions are the most common psychological afflictions of humans and account for a major percentage of initial complaints to psychiatrists as well as to general practitioners. It is estimated that some 33% of women… 0 Shares |

Treating Headaches, Sinus Problems and Tinnitus with Cranial Sacral Therapy

People ask me what type of conditions does “cranial sacral therapy” (CST) help? If you have never tried CST it’s a good question. The answer is “almost everything.” I’ll briefly explain how cranial sacral therapy works. Your body needs to… 0 Shares |

CHANGE AHEAD: 7 Simple Steps to Personal Transformation

By Linda Prejean It’s true the best things often come in small packages and this idea can also work when it’s time for a change.  However, most people resist change while seeking   transformation.  Lasting change occurs when you take small… 0 Shares |

Are Toxins Making You Fat?

By Laura Heikkila Health problems caused by being overweight and obesity are a rising epidemic in our country. There are many factors in our life that can lead to weight gain, such as poor diet and lack of exercise.  Even… 0 Shares |

How to Choose Comfortable Shoes that Sustain your Feet and Prevent Pain

by Jerick Sobie, Board Certified Pedorthist What people don’t realize is that your foot changes shape and length over time as an adult. Although a woman may be a size 8 in her twenties, it does not mean she’s still… 0 Shares |

Weight Loss Success: Feeling Good about your Body NOW is the Scientifically Proven Key

With just under quarter of the adult population of England as well as over a third of Americans tipping the scales of obesity, researchers are now investigating the psyche of weight loss and body image to help patients effectively lose… 0 Shares |