Entries by Jenny Heth

Jenny Heth

Jenny Heth is the senior editor of authorityremedies.com. It is the website that is specialized about do-it-yourself tips at home regarding beauty and health. You can find on the website everything you need to know about beauty and health from how to maintain a young and beautiful look to even how to treat common problems as sore throat or complex diseases as measles.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Goldenseal

Goldenseal, also known as yellow puccoon or orangeroot, is a member of the buttercup family. The herb is believed to derive from Canada and United States, and then gradually spread to other parts of the worlds such as Europe. Since… 0 Shares |

Top 10 health benefits of dates that you should take note

Date palm, scientifically known as phoenix dactylifera, is a member of the palm family Arecaceae, which is grown particularly for its edible sweet fruit. The history of cultivation of date palm is so long that its origin is still unclear.… 0 Shares |

Top 15 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks Naturally

Stretch marks (1) are a huge problem for most of women who have experienced pregnancy. Besides, it also occurs with people who get intense workout for building muscle or those suffering from obesity. So what are stretch marks? Basically, stretch… 0 Shares |

Health Benefits of Barley

Barley, a major cereal grain, is just cultivated in temperate climates in every part of the world. The grain is believed to be one of the first grains grown, particularly in Eurasia around 13,000 years ago. There are numerous ways… 0 Shares |

Top Superfoods to Reduce Belly Fat

Most of people, especially women are not satisfied with their appearance and weight. One of the biggest problems that make people lose their confidence and attractiveness is the fat accumulating in the midsection, also called belly fat. Asides from the… 0 Shares |