Entries by jeery park


She is wife, mother and natural health advocate. After a number of close relatives got cancer, she left the corporate world to pursue their passion for health and wellness awareness. She brings a wealth of writing talent and a background in natural health. She enjoy reading and writing about all things related to exercise, nutrition, and healthy living.

How To Make A Pain Relieving Coconut Oil Arnica Salve

Many people use arnica montana herb for topical pain relief. It has been used in homeopathic medicine for hundreds of years. Arnica works by dilating capillaries, which increases blood flow to and from the injury. This increased blood flow brings… 0 Shares |

Seven Ways To Get Leaner & Stronger Legs

Having leaner legs might be depend on your genetics, some of us are just born with more fat cells and fewer muscle cells. To get amazing legs you need to target all four areas of your thighs with exercise, as… 0 Shares |

How To Make Your Own Natural Antibiotic

This is master cleansing antibiotic tonic, it is powerful enough to kill super-bugs and boost immunity. It has a potent antiviral and antifungal formula, improves blood circulation and lymph flow. The powerful antibacterial qualities, along with vitamin C, enzymes, and… 0 Shares |

Kumquat: 8 Reasons To Eat This Chinese Citrus Fruit

Kumquats are a citrus fruit from China. It is a delicious and sweet fruit also known as Fortunella Japonica. Kumquats are ready for picking in the winter and spring. They are a small 1/2 inch size orange fruit with an… 0 Shares |

12 Powerful Health Benefits In Just One Celery Stick

Celery is very common food all over world now, and cultivated all over North America as a salad crop. It has its origins in Egypt and India.Also has plenty of health benefits and fantastic nutritional value. 95% of its constituents… 0 Shares |

Dragon Fruit: 7 Incredible Health Benefits Of This Tropical Fruit

Dragon fruit is a fruit of the cactus plant which is grown in the tropical and subtropical regions such as Mexico, Latin America and Asia. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin A, fiber and lycopene and it’s… 0 Shares |

11 Most Common Bad Habits That Seriously Damage Your Kidneys

Kidneys are the most executable pair of organs of the body. The kidneys purify the blood of unnecessary substances which are then discharged through the urethra. Kidney disease is one of the costliest illnesses in the world and managing kidney… 0 Shares |

12 Foods That Naturally Remove Toxin From Body

Toxins build up in the body due biochemical reactions as a waste products. Eliminating or removing these toxins from the body is not easy but eating healthy diet can make our task easy. The body is often conceded toxins as… 0 Shares |

12 Way To Use Epsom Salt Daily As Medicinal Purpose

People have used Epsom salts since ancient times for many purposes. Epsom salt naturally occur in hot springs in england by rock formation, it is also known as magnesium sulfate. It has been mostly used by athletes to combat sore… 0 Shares |

8 Medicinal Spices And Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

According to the American Heart Association, more than 65 million Americans have high blood pressure caused by stress, a poor diet, obesity, smoking, unhealthy lifestyle and many more. High blood pressure is “Silent & Deadly Killer” as it lead to… 0 Shares |