Entries by Cindy Burrows


Cynthia Burrows, M.T. CWC, Herbalist Cynthia Burrows, from Austin, Texas, owns Cindy Burrows, Natural Health Consultant; assisting individuals with health issues they would like to change. She will set up a program giving choices of foods, herbs, teas and homeopathic suggestions. Cindy is past owner of Nature’s Healing Herbs, an Herbal, Green Tea, and Tincture product line, and a rare product line of Green Tea Foods. She has certificates for Herbalist at East West School of Herbology, and as Wellness Consultant with the Wellness Forum in Ohio. Cindy is also a Medical Technologist, with a B.S. degree from Mansfield University in Mansfield Pa., she has been in healthcare for over 30 years. In 2005, she started using a new device founded in Europe, Quantum Biofeedback, “an energy rebalancing of the body”, by using our bodies electricity or frequency waves it can detect stress points in the body, she has added this to her consulting practice. She now has her Certification as a Biofeedback Specialist. She helps her clients by working with the synergy of herbs, food, homeopathy, and aromatherapy within her practice. She is a speaker, writer, and teacher. Cindy has been interviewed on TV; about the benefits of Green Tea and has been on radio about her small business tour to Ecuador. Cindy has been an herbalist for over 20 years and has spent 6 years learning through the East West School of Herbology with Michael Tierra. She has studied Western, Chinese and Ayurvedic Herbs with a strong emphasis on nutrition. Along with many other continued studies of alternative and complementary medicine. She is a Certified Wellness Consultant, through a special program, The Wellness Forum, which has its nutrition program, now part of the curriculum at Ohio State University, providing educational seminars and workshops designed to impart relevant nutrition information to individuals to take control of their own health. These programs give healthier options and choices that can impact your longevity and quality of life. Cindy has been a speaker to many groups and has conducted many of her own classes on food and healthy life style programs. Cindy has been involved with a hands-on healing program for the past 4 years and offers energy healing, through donation only, to anyone who needs her services. She is Co-president of the Austin Herb Society and a member of the American Herbalist Guild. Cynthia has been a board member on many programs in the past including; La Sertoma, Arthritis Foundation, Toastmasters International, National Association of Female Executives, Handicapped Equestrian Learning Program, Entrepreneurs Association, and Austin Integrated Health Care Program. Cindy also loves nature, animals, reading, blending teas, juices, etc.; likes to hike, and work with plants and, of course, cooking., mostly vegetarian. Cindy has an adventurous streak. She has organized and taken tours with business and artists groups to Big Bend, Texas, New Mexico, USA, and Ecuador, South America.

Apertifs and Digestives

Old herbal pharmacopoeias recognized major bitters as roots of parsley, fennel, anise and butchers broom. The term today applies to stimulants for appetite and aids to soothe the stomach. Anise flavored digestifs are popular in taverns along the Mediterranean. In… 0 Shares |

Natural Antihistamines Bring Relief

Over half of Americans have allergies. The most common symptom is rhinitis, which includes nasal itching, congestion, runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes. Generally, common allergens, the substances you react to, can include grasses, mold, dust dander and tree pollens.… 0 Shares |

Hibernation and Winter Weight Loss

In the winter many animals go into hibernation to conserve their calories, they stay warm in their dens and this slows down body metabolism. Bears, prairie dogs and even us humans hibernate! Of course humans hibernate in bulky sweaters and… 0 Shares |

Artemisia The New Cancer Herb

Artemisia Annua, the Herb of the Year for 2014, also called   wormwood, has been used for centuries in China. It was a lost herbal therapy until rediscovered in ancient manuscripts in 1970’s. It has and still is used for treatment… 0 Shares |

Diet for a New Year

What makes a Healthy Diet? Today there are so many diets out there. Which one is the right one for you? Some seem easy, not as hard as others. Perhaps you feel it’s too restrictive and some you definitely would… 0 Shares |

Our Ancestors Traditional Food Preparation

Today it is rare for anyone to go through a day without eating or drinking something “fermented”. Every day we should be eating this food which is teeming with bacteria, the good kind. Many think, you must stay away from… 0 Shares |

Cleansing the Body of Parasites

The Human Body is host to over 130 different types of parasites. Infections can range from mild, hardly noticeable to serious. You may ask, what really is a parasite? It is a simple celled animal that lives on or in… 0 Shares |

Winter’s Medicine Chest

In the winter time it seems that cold and flu bugs always appear! In Ayurvedic medicine, India’s 5,000 year old healing system, winter is the prime time to strengthen your immunity for the rest of the seasons. By using a… 0 Shares |

Veggies: Raw or Cooked

Which is better for you, raw veggies or cooked veggies? Some say raw is better, others refute and say no advantage, and cooked is fine. Let’s do a comparison of just two veggies: Broccoli and Spinach both contain: -Vitamins C… 0 Shares |

Juice Away the Damages of Stress

Everyday life can be stressful. Each person handles their stress problems differently but for some stress can become overwhelming. That is when your body reacts and the end result is “you getting sick”! Over the Holidays it seems stress levels… 0 Shares |