Entries by Vicki Luibrand
Vicki Luibrand is a hypnotherapist, certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), and has a Doctor of Divinity in Spiritual Healing Arts. She guides people to heal themselves both physically and mentally by finding and releasing buried emotions in the subconscious mind. For more information, go to www.believeinhealth.biz.

How I Beat My Life-Long Sugar Addiction
My Diet Background I had been a sugar addict ever since I could remember. I ate sugar cereal practically every day growing up, thinking it was healthy, and I was constantly going after sweets in the house. I didn’t like… 0 Shares |
Conditional Love and the Need to Please
Every child has a need to be loved, and every child is intuitive. If a child senses or experiences lack of love or discipline as he discovers himself, he will either become rebellious or he will learn to conform to… 0 Shares |
Are Others Controlling Your Subconscious Mind?
When you are hypnotized, you choose to allow positive beliefs into your subconscious mind, accepting them as your new reality. Hypnosis works because you agree to the beliefs. Nobody can change your beliefs without your acceptance of the change. If… 0 Shares |
The Illusionary World of Limits
Imagine a very young child, thus far being taught so little about the world. Imagine that his parents choose to do more asking than teaching. Over time, they ask opening questions such as these: “Tell us about the world.” “What… 0 Shares |
What is the point of me?
Everyone at some point in his lifetime begins to wonder about his purpose. But for many people, this simple question that can guide someone on his path has become more of an obsession or need to know, especially if they… 0 Shares |
Engaging In the Christmas Lie
The reason I believed in Santa Claus for as long as I did as a child was because of something unusual that happened one Christmas. A piece of my toy was missing, and my father “found” it in the fireplace. … 0 Shares |
Triggers of Your Unexplained Thoughts and Emotions
Has there ever been a time when you were alone and words came out of your mouth without you even realizing that you were speaking until after the fact? Have you been surprised at what you said? Do you sometimes… 0 Shares |
Have You Made Your Choice?
Many people believe that the so-called “end of times” are upon us. Some see it as judgement day. Others see it as a spiritual awakening. Some believe physical planetary changes are upon us. Even if you do not believe such… 0 Shares |
What is God?
What is God, Source, or whatever you choose to call our omnipotent Creator? I don’t claim to be an expert on this subject, nor can anyone whose mind has not yet awakened into full knowingness. In fact, my perception on… 0 Shares |