When you are hypnotized, you choose to allow positive beliefs into your subconscious mind, accepting them as your new reality. Hypnosis works because you agree to the beliefs. Nobody can change your beliefs without your acceptance of the change. If this is the case, then how is brainwashing possible? Have you been brainwashed? Yes, you have. The question is, to what degree, and how much of your mind has surrendered to the manipulation of another?
How Have You Been Brainwashed?
The key to instilling a belief is to get it into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like a child. It does not know right or wrong. It does not analyze. It can even take a learning experience and create an overly general conclusion in the mind, causing problems in other areas. Your subconscious mind is usually altered by your own thoughts and emotions, but often you allow the idea of another to get through. This new belief may or may not be beneficial to you. Who might want to change your beliefs, and how do they do it?
Advertisers learn to be skilled in brainwashing techniques. Their goal is to control your purchasing decision; therefore, they must understand the human mind. Any organization to which you are spending or donating money wants to ensure they keep your business. The government wants you to be complacent, feel like they are taking care of you, and believe they have your best interest in mind. Surely they can do no wrong. Journalists often have the intention of swaying your opinion. Parents want better control of you, and they want you to share their beliefs, which of course are always right. Your significant other would also probably like to change at least one thing about you. And then there is spam…. I once received a spam email forwarded by a Catholic in fear of Muslims taking over. I only got a couple of minutes in. It was poetic. It had music and eye-capturing, moving pictures. But what I noticed the most was the subtle ticking sound in the background. Most people wouldn’t pick up on that, but I happen to have an ear for subtle sounds. Hypnosis is focused attention, so if someone can hypnotize your conscious mind, then he will have better access into your subconscious mind, should he get you to agree to the message.
Another trick is repetition. The more you hear a phrase you agree with, especially if you attach an emotion to it, the more it becomes embedded into your subconscious mind. This works great if you are being hypnotized for self-improvement, but not if you are being played. Have you ever noticed how every time someone in politics mentions, “American pride,” there is a resounding applause and often a standing ovation? This feels good and increases our desire to support the country. How many times have you heard, “This is the greatest country in the world”? Do you believe it? Did you know that the percentage of prisoners in America outnumbers that of every other country, and that 41 million Americans are on antidepressants? Given those statistics alone, do you still believe we are the greatest country in the world? Creating a belief is much easier than undoing one. Have you ever been pointed to a vaccine study or vaccine insert that indicates vaccines are “safe and effective”? Neither have I, but surely saying it repeatedly has made it fact to many.
Then there is emotional control. An advertiser might say, “You need _____” or else use the word “Shocking!” And how many times have you heard the news media say, “You should be outraged!” Bringing up a negative emotion has zero benefit for you, but once they have your emotions, you are much easier to manipulate.
I recently saw the movie, “Scientology and the Prison of Belief.” Those who were most abused wound up begging to stay in their situation. This also often becomes true with people who have been kidnapped. There is a combination of reasons for this. Repetition plays a role; fear of change becomes a factor once the undesired situation has become their reality; and becoming accustomed to the negative energy certainly takes its toll. If the victims are subject to abuse or torture (including starvation and sleep-deprivation), they are easier to break. After a while, they might empathize with their captors, feeling compassion for them or identifying with their cause. But probably the biggest factor is that they have reached a point where they accepted their position, and the subconscious mind concluded that their situation is OK, and it is now their new way of life. This benefited them because the acceptance allowed them to let go of the fear, but then they lost the need to change their situation.
Abused women are often led to believe that they are too fat, and no one else will love them. They are made to feel unworthy. They hear this so many times while dealing with the drama that they eventually believe it and accept the horrific conditions. Belief is the biggest imprisonment there is.
No One Is Above You
I also recently saw the movie, “Spotlight.” In it, you see that the Catholic priests always went after kids who were troubled in some way, obviously because they were mentally weak and likely low in self-esteem. The kids, and often their parents, often looked up to the priests as a symbol of God. Any time you respect someone as being better than yourself in some way, you give them the opportunity to take advantage of you or to instill their beliefs into your mind. People also do this with parents, teachers, doctors, bosses, celebrities, presidents and kings. Keep in mind that these are all roles these people play. First and foremost, they are human, and NOBODY is better than (nor less than) you. Respect yourself as much as your so-called superior, and you will have better control of your mind.
Questions to Ask Yourself
- How easily do you give away your mind to another person’s perceptions or beliefs?
- Where have you been manipulated by your emotions?
- Is there someone who’s opinions or desires you value more than your own?
- How tightly do you hold onto your beliefs?
- How hard is it for you to undo a belief you once accepted?
- Where have you passed judgement before listening to both sides of an argument?
- What beliefs were you taught that had motives behind them?
- Is there a belief you were taught and held onto that you eventually realized might not be true?
- Are you staying in a situation that breeds negativity? If so, what beliefs are keeping you there?
- Are you settling for less than you desire?
- Do you have a belief that you would like to change?
- Is there a belief you have that makes you feel bad? (If so, it is likely not true.)
- If you let go of a certain belief, would it make you feel free, relieved or more positive in some other way?
- Do you believe your options are limited? If so, will changing a belief give you another option?
Train Your Brain to Avoid Emotional Manipulation
Aside from respecting yourself, it would serve you to stop being an emotional product of the words or situations that are thrown at you. You can gradually train yourself to allow everything to be as it is without feeling negatively. In order to do that, pay attention to when you do feel a negative emotion. Then get yourself to see why you can allow the circumstance to be without feeling emotionally negative about it. It may help to release a buried emotion if that is what triggered your reaction, but if you talk yourself through this enough, it may release on its own. Do this regularly and consider every situation you perceive as bad to be a tool you can use to train yourself into a state of total peace.
I have often used the news as my tool for peace. I tend to follow the corruption going on in the world, and this used to upset me. Many people see this information as negative and do not want to know about it. Some even see me as negative just for spreading the word. But from my perception, if we desire to end suffering and save lives, then we must first inform everyone of the problems that exist so that we can then proceed to a solution with enough people to make a difference. To ignore such major problems in the world is to ignore the cries of man. I focus on these things and spread the information for love of others, not to perpetuation negativity. And instead of letting such information take me to an undesirable place, I have used each negative emotion that has presented itself to me as a tool to learn to stop passing judgement on what is. I can now remain in my peaceful place, despite the negativity of the news. Choosing not to get upset about something does not imply that I condone a behavior; it simply allows me to be loving toward humanity and happy at the same time. And since my emotions are not running me, I am more difficult to manipulate. I do not concern myself with the reaction of others, because I am not responsible for their emotions. I simply present the facts without an emotion attached. If someone gets upset by the news I pass on, then I have given them a wonderful opportunity for self-improvement. There is nothing like a negative feeling to reveal a subconscious belief that needs undoing.
About the author
Vicki Luibrand is a hypnotherapist, certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH), and has a Doctor of Divinity in Spiritual Healing Arts. She guides people to heal themselves both physically and mentally by finding and releasing buried emotions and external attachments within the subconscious mind. For more information, go to www.believeinhealth.biz.