Entries by Amy Goodrich


Amy is a life and food lover, certified biologist, and holistic health coach. She is the founder of the healthy lifestyle website www.Body-in-Balance.org and creator of the online program, www.ThinForever.me. After successfully changing her family’s health and happiness, she’s on a mission to help other people achieve the life and body they want. You can find here on Facebook or Google+ or get her free clean, whole food recipe eBook here: http://www.body-in-balance.org/amys-home-kitchen-recipe-book/

Microwave Health Dangers: How Safe Is Your Microwave?

In a contemporary kitchen, the microwave oven is probably the most indispensable appliance – the one appliance that any household cannot do without. If you don’t want the hassle of preparing vegetables but you want to eat the green stuff,… 0 Shares |

How Food Synergy Can Save Your Life

Understanding food synergy is as important as knowing what are the healthiest foods to eat. This concept is based on the idea that certain foods, when eaten together, have greater health benefits than when they are taken separately. Here are… 0 Shares |

Monosodium glutamate (MSG), The Silent Killer Lurking in Your Kitchen Cabinets

Although the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has categorized monosodium glutamate or MSG, a type of food additive, as generally safe for consumption, a lot of people have reported experiencing side effects after consuming food that contains MSG.  The… 0 Shares |

How Adding Coconut Oil to White Rice Makes it 50% Healthier

White rice and coconut oil have been making the headlines in the health industry recently. This is because of a new study which reveals that adding coconut oil when cooking white rice reduces its calories, making it relatively healthier. It… 0 Shares |

7 Effective Natural Migraine Treatments

Millions of people suffer from a migraine attack every hour. The intense, throbbing pain of these headaches is usually accompanied by nausea and light sensitivity. To make matters worse, migraines are a chronic condition, often beginning in childhood or early… 0 Shares |

Protein Powder Shakes: Why It Is Bad for You

Gym bunnies and fitness enthusiasts are addicted to bulking up. They want to get ripped and well-defined muscles so much that they increase their protein intake for fast muscle development. And in bulking up, they usually resort to steroids and… 0 Shares |

Almonds Sprayed for Salmonella – The Unpredicted Dangers of Almonds

There’s no question that almonds are healthy, but like all other food options – the way they’re prepared could be negating their many health benefits. Here’s a little background you should know about almonds. Almost all the US supply comes… 0 Shares |

The Top 3 Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies and Their Natural Remedies

Most common nutrient deficiencies affect both the developing and affluent world. This proves that it is not the lack of resources that causes health problems. In fact, the remedies usually do not cost so much and are readily available. So… 0 Shares |

Join The Organic Food Bandwagon To Improve Health and Wellness

Nowadays, more and more people are putting a premium on health. Droves of people are joining marathons, hitting the gym, practicing yoga and watching their diet, with some deciding to go vegan or vegetarian. People are more aware of the… 0 Shares |

5 Easy Ways to Boost Energy Naturally

One of the most common complaints you’ll hear from people today is that they lack energy. You’re probably no stranger to this: Do days when you were just too tired to get out of bed in the morning come to… 0 Shares |