Entries by Liu Jiao


I have written articles on various physical and mental health related conditions, including diabetes/ heart disease/ autism/depression/Nutrition/fitness/diets/fad diets/herbs/alternative therapies/weight loss/obesity in children and adults/smoking risks/alcohol risks/fast foods/disease.... Visit my website: www.seekingfit.com for more healthy living tricks.

Top 10 Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil

By now you have probably already heard of tea tree oil and all of its wonderful antiseptic uses.   You probably already know that you can use it, diluted, on cuts and abrasions, and that you can even apply pure tea… 0 Shares |

Top 5 Reasons to Add Cashews to Your Diet

Native to Brazil, cashew nuts come from the fruit of a cashew tree. Commonly called cashew nuts, they are actually the kidney-shaped seeds found on the bottom of the cashew apple. In Brazil and the Caribbean, natives widely regard cashews… 0 Shares |

Cheap and Easy Ways to Make Your Own Natural Pesticides

Looking to save money and produce safer vegetables and fruits for your family?  Making your own natural pesticides is both cheap and easy, and these types of pesticides can be just as effective as the ones you purchase at the… 0 Shares |

9 Home Remedies You Can Try When You Have Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is caused by either bacteria or other toxins in food.  The symptoms associated with food poisoning tend to be nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, cramps and diarrhea. When you suffer from food poisoning, your body loses a great deal… 0 Shares |

Smart steps to increase the bioavailability of turmeric in your body

Turmeric is simply one of those superfoods.  It has amazing health benefits, and because of this, many people believe that taking a turmeric supplement is all that they need to do.  Not so. To really absorb turmeric, and increase its… 0 Shares |

10 Signs that You may have an Autoimmune Disease

Having an autoimmune disease is like having a monster inside your body taking over control. There are several kinds that a person can develop each with varied side effects and severity. Some common ones people develop are rheumatoid arthritis, multiple… 0 Shares |

7 Best Home Cures For Swollen Feet and Ankles

If you suffer from swollen feet and ankles, there are a number of natural remedies that can help get reduce the swelling.  Known as edema, swelling of the feet, ankles and legs are quite common.  This swelling comes from too… 0 Shares |

7 Best Foods for Moms to Eat after Delivery

Most moms focus on their new babies right after delivery, which is great, but you also need to know that taking care of yourself is vital to both your health and your newborn’s. Paying attention to what you eat now… 0 Shares |

Risks of Vitamin D Overdosing

The bright warm sunshine provides the body with all the vitamin D it could possibly need. So, why do some people take vitamin D supplements daily? The reason is simply that they are deficient in the essential nutrient from not… 0 Shares |

The 4 Best Herbal Cleaning Recipes You Should Try

Using herbs to clean is a great way to stay ‘green’.  Making your own natural cleaning products saves you money and gives you peace of mind:  You will always know exactly what you are using and will not have to… 0 Shares |