8 Subconscious Habits That Slowly Damage Your Brain


The human brain is considered a very delicate part of a human being. The brain is made up of 90% water and scientist are still researching into its complexity. The brain is an vital organ composed of billions of cells that send signals from head to toe. It controls everything from basic functions like breathing, heartbeat, reacting to pleasure and pain and ability to remember anything. The damage to the brain can lead to a number of health complications. World Health Organization has released the biggest Brain damaging habits according to their latest research findings.

8 Biggest Brain Damaging Habits You Must Avoid

It is the worst habit, smoking not only harms the lungs, but the brain as well, the nicotine in cigarettes contains substances that can cause multiple brain cell shrinkage, leading to Alzheimer’s disease.

Covering Head During Sleeping
Covering head during sleeping is bad for our health, it not only damage brain but also increases your chances of getting Alzheimer’s and dementia. This is due to the decrease in oxygen and the increase re-breathing of carbon dioxide.

Too Less Talking
Your brain is like a muscle, and if you don’t exercise it – it will shrink. Conversation increase efficiency of the brain. More talk more active brain. So be active in meetings and get-togethers more.

High sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients and may interfere with brain development. Nutrient deficiency weakens the immune system, leads to malnutrition.

Too Much Alcohol
Drinking too much alcohol could damage nervous system, liver and heart. Its change brain’s equilibrium and interferes with its chemical reactions. Alcoholism damages neurological processes and slows the speed at which nerve impulses are transmitted.

Too much stress can damage nervous system. It’s been shown to shrink mental capacity and increase your risk of having a stroke or a heart attack.

Sleep Deprivation
Brain needs a rest at night after all the stress and strain of the day. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells, more cells dead, more loss of memory.

No Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After your sleep, your brain requires nutrients. Skipping breakfast deprives the brain from essential nutrients. Not eating breakfast will also lead to low blood sugar, which can also increase anxiety.

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Prof. Hesin
I am herbalist and write on variety of topics from nutrition to natural health, herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, mind/body medicine and i enjoys the challenge of providing my family with healthy food options that fit with their busy lifestyle.