10 Amazing Benefits of Beets for Health and Beauty


Beets, or beetroots, are sweet root vegetable that takes an important position among healthy foods for your diet. Beets are a rich source of minerals and essential vitamins and are used as food item combined with salad, soup, and meals. Let’s take a look at these 10 benefits of beets for health and beauty which might bring to see the amazing nutritional values of this vegetable.

Top 10 Benefits Of Beets For Health And Beauty

1. Decreasing Blood Pressure

The benefits of beets mainly come from blood flow improvement. Juice extracted from beet can help lower blood pressure, as it reduces systolic pressure in the blood, thanks to the natural nitrates presenting in beets. Researchers have studied that just one glass of beets can reduce blood pressure by 4-5 points. Nitrates provide nitric oxide to your body; therefore stimulate dilating and relaxing for your blood vessels.

2. Reducing Inflammation

Consume beets might prevent you from inflammation since their rich source of betaine is useful in protecting proteins, cells and enzymes from your daily life stress. To obtain better effects of anti-inflammatory properties, combine beets and ginger juice together. This juice recipe boosts beet’s anti-inflammatory power and keeps your digestive system from infection.

3. Supporting Detoxification

Betaine pigments and methionine found in beets also accelerate detoxification progress and expel broken toxins out of your body, in addition to other positive health benefits. This medicinal plant is believed to keep the pace of liver cells stimulating and keep toxins and fatty acid away from building up. Consume this valuable detox drink to purify your blood and refresh your body.

4. Beet Greens Benefits

What a surprise that green leafy tops found in beets are one of the healthiest parts of this vegetable. These greens are rich sources of essential nutrients for your bodies such as protein, fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, C, B6, calcium, and iron. What is more, high content of iron in beets greens helps you boost bone strength and immune system, overall nutritional value helps ward off numerous chronic diseases. Don’t throw these greens away and try to add raw beet leaves to your vegetable juice and salad or consume them along with other vegetables in your diet.

5. Avoid Cancers

Researchers have studied that beets contain phytonutrients along with pigment betacyanin that inhibits cancerous cell development. Drink beet juice every day to cancel cell mutations caused by nitrates found in your daily meals that lead to the expansion of nitrosamine compounds. All vegetables contain nitrates, but an average-sized beet contains 20 times more dietary nitrates than others. Products made from beets such as juice and powders are demonstrated to decelerate multi-organ tumor growth. Don’t hesitate to add this healthy vegetable to your diet to keep your body away from cancer for long period.

6. Enhancing Sexual Performance

Sounds weird, but this root vegetable can provide benefits in boosting sexuality, in another word aphrodisiac for men. This is because beets contains huge amount of mineral boron which has been indicated to increase sexual hormones production, such as sperm mobility, libido and fertility improvement. Add beets to your daily basis to enhance your sexual life with your partner.

7. Boosting Energy

When it comes to benefits of beets, people might be amazed that beet juice also works as a powerful sport drink. A great amount of carbohydrates present in beets supply fuel to boost stamina and prolong your sport workout. The high nitrate content that increases nitric oxide helps reduce the oxygen consumption from low-intensity exercises and produce endurance to high-intensity ones. Additionally, beet fiber can decrease cholesterol and triglycerides, improve your healthy heart as well as enhance your tolerance in sport activities.

8. Macular Degeneration

The beta-carotene in beetroot is helpful in decreasing and slowing eyes macular degeneration. Its rich source of vitamin A supplies antioxidant capabilities and protect the eyes against harmful effects of free radicals.

9. Preventing Strokes

Lack of potassium might be the main cause of strokes for your body. Potassium works best as vasodilator that lower blood pressure, leads to the restriction of detritus accumulation that enable blood clots formation along the walls of blood vessels. These clots are the culprits of heart attacks and strokes.In that case, it’s recommended to consume beetroot to boost heart health and deliver a rich source of potassium to your body.

10. Fighting Against Premature Aging and Age-Related Diseases

You might have purchased many skin-care products that are available in the market out there, however beetroot juice is still an outstanding low-cost product that protects your skin from inside-out. According to “Food Research International” journal published in July 2011, the betaine pigments presenting in red beets rule out antiviral and antimicrobial effects, provide water and nitrates to your body and neutralize free radicals. Plus, high antioxidant and inflammatory properties help keep your body against diseases related to age. Especially, drinking a cup of beet juice can let the good effects of lycopene maintain your skin elasticity and protect your skin from excessive sunray exposure at the same time.




Vanessa Tan is a Health and Beauty expert who has more than 5 years of experience in Health Care industry. For more health care tips on healthy living, visit her at the website WikiYeah.com. There, you will find posts on natural treatments, recipes, healthy foods, and so much more.