Women-owned businesses are enjoying a growth surge for good reason. More women are entering the workforce as single parents — and more women have realized that the only hope they have of providing a stable, growing income for their family is through the mechanism of business ownership.
Women, unfortunately, are at a disadvantage in the workplace. After years of seeking a more equal pay treatment, women still earn only 80% of what men earn.
What can be done about this? Not much, unless women begin writing their own paycheck.
This truly is where the future of work is headed: Self-employment. It has never been easier or more potentially lucrative than today, with the advances in computers, automation, outsourcing, and mobile communications.
One growing opportunity area in the women-owned business arena is seen in the marketing of high-quality, hard to find botanical specialties on the World Wide Web. Many women are building successful businesses — or working in these booming enterprises — because they have found results from using these herbs that simply cannot be obtained with conventional pharmaceutical drugs.
These women are building uncomplicated distribution businesses out of a passion for helping others, while helping to assure themselves of a supply of these inexpensive, yet precious herbs at a profit.
One of the Hottest of these new Herbal Remedies is Kratom
Kratom, although not approved by the FDA, is precious for the quality of relief it gives for many conditions, such as Fibromyalgia, MS, Lupus, PMS, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, where patients get little help from mainstream medicine. And, ironically, these medical conditions are mostly (or, in one case, only) suffered by women.
Natalie Adams is one such female entrepreneur. She lives with Addison’s Disease, which is characterized by chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain, weight loss, irritability, depression, and low blood pressure. These symptoms would make it hard to work anywhere, but kratom helps them tremendously, Natalie says. Working for her own business makes it a lot easier to schedule time off when needed and the compensation is much better, which makes up for any small inconveniences.
Natalie is not lacking for experience, having worked 10 years for a $300 million dollar manufacturing enterprise, as the “right hand” of the CEO, responsible for overseeing operational aspects and worldwide marketing. Fortunately for her, she realized that working to build a dream business for someone else was not the most profitable use of her time.
Today, the company Natalie and her partner Keith started from scant personal savings of $700, is doing very well. These equal partners, both of whom had experienced life-changing results with kratom, have worked many 70 hour weeks. As a result, they have been rewarded with exponential growth rates, allowing them to create 10 jobs with benefits in 14 months.
Much of Natalie’s success should be credited to doing careful market research prior to beginning operations and writing a proper business plan. This reduces the risk of failure tremendously, but this is precisely where many would-be entrepreneurs try to cut corners by working harder rather than smarter, while skipping fastidious market research and a thorough business plan.
Cutting Edge Marketing Is the Life Blood of Any Small Business
This is one of the salient points about the company Natalie is building. Her company must create its own media outlets because advertising kratom is not allowed due to an unfair stigma associated with this healing herb. Google Adwords, Bing, and Yahoo won’t take her ads, but that doesn’t stop her from creating ezines with a variety of helpful alternative medicine topics, interspersed with articles explaining the benefits many people have received from this remarkable herb.
Natalie’s business, by the nature of the mainstream media’s reaction to kratom, is forced into a guerilla marketing niche and they do it well. Who trusts old-school business ads, anyway, these days? Their audience likes the personal touch that these guerilla publications convey — and, if a sales pitch is sneaked in every so often, what’s the harm? “Let’s see what they’ve got that’s so exciting,” their audience seems to be thinking.
Women Owned Businesses Support Diversity in the Work Environment
Now approximately 40% of Natalie’s workforce is made up of women. Their employees are diverse in racial background, as well. As anyone who has managed an enterprise knows, it is hard to find qualified, intelligent, and dedicated employees, so what does it matter what their sex, color, or ethnic background is?
What is important is the ability of the employee to think independently, solve problems quickly and efficiently, and produce a lot of value reflected in the bottom line of the organization, whatever the field the business is in. Degrees and fancy credentials don’t necessarily get the job done, so, why waste time acquiring them unless absolutely necessary for the line of work you choose?
Women-Owned Businesses Will Be a Major Factor in U.S. Job Growth
Women, in particular, benefit from the added freedom and increased income potential that self-employment offers. As more jobs become automated, off-shored, or burdened with more work for the same pay, the future for smart women and men alike points to self-employment.
Spending an exorbitant amount of money (or taking on a pile of debt) in order to apply for a job that may (or may not) be waiting when you graduate is not the smartest strategy today. Building your own business is a better investment in your future, even if you need to build it on the side, while working for someone else.
Face the facts: You’ll never earn the money you need — never get the satisfaction you deserve — unless you’re working for yourself.
Find a niche that is under-served, a niche you can serve in a fresh, creative way that saves the customer money and/or provides a higher quality of service and invest your talents in making this happen. Natalie has found such a niche.
It is not critical that you have a passion for the product or service you will provide, though it helps. More important is the demand of the market for whatever it is — and their willingness and ability to pay for it.
Take a tip from Natalie Adams and invest yourself, ladies, in your own women-owned businesses.
Trends and Statistics for Women-Owned Businesses
Doctors and Herbal Business Experts Are Speaking Up for Kratom
Author Paul Kemp has worked for the U.S. Department of Commerce as a consultant in small business formation. He currently applies his passion for natural health to the cause of promoting the value of the herb kratom as an alternative to harsh and less-effective synthetics drugs.