Hi friends,
China, wow, who would of thought, the Beast is rising. We are facing a nightmare that we can’t seem to wake up from. Those we thought were ours friends turned out to be our enemy. And they have near about got us. Seriously, somehow we like missed all the warning signs. In our horrifying dream, that is reality, we are faced with a dragon ready to devour us. That is really not cool.
It seems that this Beast has bought off most of our government and somehow is already munching on our vital organs without us even being aware we were prey. This thing is fixing to go in for the kill. This is really scary.
It seems that this Beast has yummed up lots of our allies as well. They are all in. Their governments drank the cool-aid as well, or at least a lot of money to purchase plenty of cool-aid for their future. Unfortunately, this happy feeling of security does not extend to “We the people.” We the people were the things sold along with our private property and families. I don’t even know what to say about this treachery.
Well, maybe there is one small thing to say about it. At least we do know the end of the story. That is the good part. It’s just that the middle part and the climax that are not very fun. This is one of those books that would be best just to skip to the last chapter and be done. But alas, sense this book is the book of His-story, we get to walk through it.
One blessing is that there is really a large amount of information shared with us from scripture about this Beast. The first thing to note is that there are actually seven kingdoms listed. China is only the fierce one that tramples the whole earth. This end times collection of bad actors is shown in two location in scripture. They are shown individually in one and collectively in the second. A leader will rise to assume the rains of this mess. There is a lot about this character as well. But that would be another conversation. This discussion will just go over the nations as presented and the possible understandings about them.
Before looking at the manifested beast in reality it is necessary to note who the real Dragon is pulling the strings behind-the-scenes. Of course this is the Devil, also known as Satan the adversary. He spends his time devouring individuals by tempting them to disobey God and then running to tattle on them to God when they mess up. One change that occurs in his job description, happens just before the nation Beasts manifest in our face. You see the Devil actually loses his ability to tattle on us. God chunks him out of heaven and will not let him back in. That part of the story is in Revelation chapter 12, in case you would like to read all the details. Anyway, this chunking out event makes the devil wrathful. This creates a problem for all of us here on earth. The dragon gets really busy trying to destroy everything with a special emphasis on Christians.
Now back to what we are watching happen. As I mentioned earlier, there are two visual allegory presentations of this coming governmental destruction machine. Let’s start with the one shown in Daniel chapter 7. Here’s the trick. It is indeed an allegory. That means we will have to guess at what the animals mean. And yes, that means it is actually just a guess. But, we can make an educated guess. So here goes. How I am going to look at this system is using the permanent members on the UN Security Council. That does not mean I am correct, it just fits really nicely.
Up first is a Lion with Eagles wings. This would be England and America. If this guess is correct, then we are in for some action. I say this because the eagle’s wings get plucked off the lion. I wonder if this might mean that we are somehow removed from this governmental system.
Second is a Bear, likely Russia. Its job is to devour much flesh. Sounds about correct to me, but who knows.
Third is a Leopard with four heads and wings. This is likely France as a representative of the EU. That is the reason for the multiple heads. Please remember this is just a guess…
Finally there is the dreadful horrible Beast that has ten horns, possibly China. Somewhere in the process a set of three of these horns are swapped out for a very mean little horn that I personally think is the false prophet listed in Revelation.
One thing to note about this view collectively is that because the leopard has four heads, if you add up the heads and horns in this allegory you get seven heads and ten horns. That will match to allegory in Revelation that we look at next.
So, here is Revelation Chapter 13, the second allegory. A beast rises up out of the sea having seven heads and tens horns, sound familiar… The beast is like a leopard, has feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. The Devil gives this thing its power. That is why all these world leaders have to do all this strange sacrificing junk of innocent people. Their god is literally the Devil. He has very nasty tastes.
There is also a false prophet that is added to this mess. He shows up as a second beast with two horns. I do wonder if this is referencing the small horn of the first allegory in Daniel. It’s a three for three thing, but we’ll have to wait and see.
The ten horns are what give us a clue about China. You see, in Chapter two of Daniel we are shown the ten horns represented as ten toes of a statue. These toes are made of iron and clay. These substances represent kingdoms. The Iron represents the old Roman Empire and but the mystery nation is the clay.
Let me introduce you to the Terracotta clay soldiers. You have probably never heard of them but if you do a search for “terracotta soldiers” you will see that they were solders made of clay in 246 BCE. The pits in China that contained the terracotta clay soldiers were discovered in 1974. Yes, Clay is associated with China. Surprise! What if the Clay means that the ten horns could be an extension of the nation of China?
That would explain what we are witnessing happening right now. The Beast is rising.
There is one really big happy about these ten toes that are partly iron and partly clay. If you look them up in Daniel chapter two you will see that it is in the days of these ten king’s That a stone cut without hands crashes into the statue and grinds it to powder. The stone then becomes a great mountain and covers the whole earth. That would be Jesus setting up his kingdom on earth. That is actually a really good thing.