Tag: natural remedies for depression
According to Psychology Today, the medication most prescribed on college campuses isn’t the pill. It’s Prozac.
Depression is among the top mental health challenges facing college students today. With 36.4% of college students experiencing some level of depression while at…
Posted in Health
Depression is a condition in which an individual lacks motivation to complete goals, accomplish day to day tasks, and function properly throughout the day. Depression is a disorder that also affects the brains chemical balance forcing serotonin levels to diminish…
Posted in Child Care, Environment, Fitness, Fitness Nutrition, Food, Food, Gardening, GMOs, Health, Health, Herbal Medicine, Home, Liberty, Lifestyle, Medicine, Mental Health, News, Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Personal Care, Pets and Animals, Science, Science & Tech, Weird, World
There are numerous self help therapies and natural remedies which you can use to help you to raise your mood, dispel the blues and stop depression.
In earlier articles, I wrote about the many possible causes and contributing factors of…
Posted in Health, Mental Health
Healthy, positive thought processes are not only important for preventing and overcoming depression, they are vital for a living a happy and fulfilling life as well.
In two earlier articles, I wrote about the possible causes of depression and some…
Posted in Health, Mental Health
When it comes to dealing with depression naturally, it is important, if not necessary, to have a good foundation.
In an earlier article, I wrote about the many possible causes of depression. Whatever the factors behind your condition, and no…
Posted in Health, Holistic Medicine, Lifestyle, Mental Health
If you are feeling depressed, you probably feel hopeless and think that virtually everything in life is meaningless.
But, please be assured and convinced that you do have the power to help yourself get out of this mess. Even if…
Posted in Health, Mental Health
Depression impacts about 120 million people worldwide. The World Health Organization predicts depression to become the second most burdensome disease by 2020.(1) Heart disease is the first. Antidepressants are the most highly prescribed type of drug of all time. Over…
Posted in Fitness, Food, Health, Mental Health, Pharmaceuticals