Does anybody out there remember the old “Dinosaurs” episodes on ABC TV? I loved the “WE SAY SO” Corporation that Earl worked for. In the series, the WE SAY SO Corporation owned “just about everything” much like the combined pharmaceutical companies of today own the media and the food industry.
So here is an “Official Statement” from the newly formed Pharmaceutical Producers Association and Corporation also coincidentally known as “WE SAY SO”…….
It is Cancer Awareness Month again, folks and we cannot thank enough of you wonderful volunteers, young and old, who shaved your heads for our new TV series called “Chemotherapy, The Gift That Keeps On Giving” We want to especially thank those who actually, although completely healthy at the time, went through real Chemo for those special close-up camera shots. We wish we could have paid you all for your hard work and suffering but then how could we ever get others to volunteer for free? But we know you will keep giving. Not only because of our fun and wonderful “Pink Ribbon Walks For The Cure” but mostly just because WE SAY SO!
We want to express our greatest gratitude to the Monsanto Corporation (A division of WE SAY SO) for giving us, through their GMO food, so many of the strangest looking tumors to work with. Great job guys! We had a “blast” bombarding them with our latest radiation guns. (Sorry about the casualties but it was all for a great cause)
Now we know many of you are asking about that “Cure for Cancer” we keep saying is just around the corner and we have some exciting news! We are almost sure it has been found! It will only take a few more years of negotiations with the FDA and of course trillions of dollars from wonderful supporters and donators like you but we know we have it this time. Why? Because WE SAY SO!
Now we also want to thank the wonderful folks that keep giving us those beautiful streaked sunsets after such cloudy dreary eye-burning days. We know you are going to be hard at work spraying the skies again this winter. And we know it is all for the wonderful cause of keeping us from incinerating from Global Warming. (Even if the polar caps are actually getting bigger from cooling)
We also know we will all enjoy your new up and coming weather-casts that will let us know, months in advance, just where all the weather will be! And your contribution to our new line of vaccines from spreading those wonderful experimental diseases is something we are eternally grateful for. How could we have done it with out you? In fact it was all, as they say on your local TV NEWS, just nothing but “natural high clouds” and all Because WE SAY SO!
This year promises to be a record year for not only cancer but also so many newly designed diseases! In fact there are so many new ones coming that we are having a hard time naming all of them. This is why we are having a “Name The Disease” contest that could win you a lifetime of your favorite prescription! Just fill out the enclosed form with your name, age, phone number, SS number, bank account number, Google password and the name of your wealthiest relative. You could be a winner! And just for playing the game we will give you a coupon for our new free automated body/drug scan that will tell you, unconditionally, just what drugs you need to be taking for the rest of your life.
Remember, we are always looking out for you and we know what is best for your body. We are the ones that make short lived, fun for a while, “get it over quick” lifestyles happen. Why? Because WE SAY SO!
About the Author:
Chris Gussa is the Owner, founder and formulator for Plant Cures Incorporated. A family owned business since 1992 handcrafting over one hundred and fifty serious herbal products for specific disorders with over fifty tonic herbal products. People know these formulas work and Plant Cures has never needed to advertise.
Plant Cures Incorporated is here for those who keep their bodies running on what God has provided and for those who do not trust the Pharma/Medical system due to bad experiences or due to just good common sense!
Chris is also an Arizona Cattle Rancher raising grass-fed organically grown black Saler cattle. His small herd is well known for their prolific and gentle black polled Saler bulls.
Chris wrote the best selling book entitled “His Hand Has Provided” – “A Christian Cowboys Guide To Nutrition And Natural Healing With Herbs” It is available here.